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Re-establishing legitimacy after stigmatization: Greenpeace in the North American North
Polar Record ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0032247420000285
Danita Catherine Burke

International environmental non-governmental organizations (IENGOs) have a long and checkered history of involvement and impact in, and on, the North. Using the example of Greenpeace, arguably one of the most stigmatized IENGOs in the North American North, this paper explores the questions: why are IENGOs stigmatized in the North American North and how might they overcome their stigma with local audiences? It outlines the role of moral legitimacy in stigmatization and overcoming stigma, and the challenges of (re)establishing moral legitimacy with a stigmatizing audience, in this case, Inuit in Northern Canada and Greenland.



国际环境非政府组织 (IENGO) 在对北方的参与和影响方面有着悠久而曲折的历史。以绿色和平组织(可以说是北美北部最受污名化的 IENGO 之一)为例,本文探讨了以下问题:为什么 IENGO 在北美北部被污名化,他们如何克服当地受众的污名?它概述了道德合法性在污名化和克服污名中的作用,以及与污名化的受众(在本例中为加拿大北部和格陵兰的因纽特人)建立道德合法性的挑战。