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Competing reproductive and physiological investments in an all-female lizard, the Colorado checkered whiptail
Evolutionary Ecology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10682-020-10081-x
Lise M. Aubry , Spencer B. Hudson , Bryan M. Kluever , Alison C. Webb , Susannah S. French

Organisms in the wild have to allocate limited resources towards competing functions such as reproduction, growth, and self-maintenance. These competing investments create significant changes in physiological activity, and we still know little about the relationship between physiological activity and reproductive investment in natura. We investigated trade-offs between physiological activity and reproductive investment in the parthenogenetic Colorado checkered whiptail, Aspidoscelis neotesselata, across three different sites at the US Army Fort Carson Military Installation near Colorado Springs, CO, throughout the reproductive season in 2018 and 2019. We measured clutch size and reproductive activity and quantified plasma corticosterone (CORT), reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), and bacterial killing ability (BKA) to examine how energy-mobilizing hormones, oxidative stress, and immunity change in light of reproductive investment across different sub-populations. Circulating CORT increased with reproductive investment across all sub-populations, and increased clutch size led to a decrease in BKA in one sub-population, suggesting that habitat and nutritional availability may mediate this relationship. Oxidative stress, CORT, and innate immunity were not correlated with the exception of a trade-off between ROMs and BKA. This indicates individuals that have a better capacity to fight-off pathogens suffered increased reactive oxygen metabolites across all sub-populations, independently of habitat characteristics, which has important implications for A. neotesselata conservation.



野生生物必须将有限的资源分配给竞争功能,例如繁殖、生长和自我维持。这些相互竞争的投资会导致生理活动发生重大变化,而我们对生理活动与自然生殖投资之间的关系知之甚少。我们调查了 2018 年和 2019 年整个生殖季节,科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯附近美国陆军卡森堡军事设施的三个不同地点的孤雌生殖科罗拉多方格鞭尾鱼 Aspidoscelis neotesselata 的生理活动和生殖投资之间的权衡。我们测量了离合器大小和生殖活动以及量化的血浆皮质酮 (CORT)、活性氧代谢物 (ROM)、和细菌杀伤能力 (BKA),以检查能量动员激素、氧化应激和免疫如何根据不同亚群的生殖投资而变化。循环 CORT 随所有亚群的生殖投资而增加,并且离合器大小的增加导致一个亚群中 BKA 的减少,这表明栖息地和营养供应可能介导了这种关系。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,氧化应激、CORT 和先天免疫不相关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。根据不同亚群的生殖投资,免疫变化。循环 CORT 随所有亚群的生殖投资而增加,并且离合器大小的增加导致一个亚群中 BKA 的减少,这表明栖息地和营养供应可能介导了这种关系。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,氧化应激、CORT 和先天免疫不相关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。根据不同亚群的生殖投资,免疫变化。循环 CORT 随所有亚群的生殖投资而增加,并且离合器大小的增加导致一个亚群中 BKA 的减少,这表明栖息地和营养供应可能介导了这种关系。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,氧化应激、CORT 和先天免疫不相关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。循环 CORT 随所有亚群的生殖投资而增加,并且离合器大小的增加导致一个亚群中 BKA 的减少,这表明栖息地和营养供应可能介导了这种关系。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,氧化应激、CORT 和先天免疫不相关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。循环 CORT 随所有亚群的生殖投资而增加,并且离合器大小的增加导致一个亚群中 BKA 的减少,这表明栖息地和营养供应可能介导了这种关系。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,氧化应激、CORT 和先天免疫不相关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,先天免疫与先天免疫无关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更好抵抗病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。除了 ROM 和 BKA 之间的权衡之外,先天免疫与先天免疫无关。这表明,在所有亚群中,具有更强抗击病原体能力的个体的活性氧代谢物均增加,与栖息地特征无关,这对 A. neotesselata 保护具有重要意义。