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Examining the connection between nature connectedness and dark personality
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 7.649 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101499
D. Fido , A. Rees , P. Clarke , D. Petronzi , M. Richardson

Abstract The psychological construct of nature connectedness - the depth of an individual's relationship with the natural world - has not only been associated with benefits for mental well-being but has also shown relationships with personality traits relevant to the dark personality literature. These include agreeableness, cognitive and affective empathy, and callous and uncaring traits. Across two independently-sampled studies we delineate relationships between explicit and implicit indices of nature connectedness and dark personality. In Study 1 (N = 304), psychopathy (and Machiavellianism) was associated with self-reported, but not implicitly-measured, nature connectedness. Moreover, individuals scoring high on dark personality exhibited a preference for inner-city, relative to suburban or rural living. In Study 2 (N = 209), we replicated the findings of Study 1 in relation to explicit measures of nature connectedness but did not find further relationships between dark personality and the population densities of where participants had previously lived. Limitations of implicit and pseudo indices of nature connectedness are outlined, and the results are discussed in relation to future research and the potential role of nature connectedness interventions in forensic populations. Data, syntax, and the manuscript pre-print are available here: [ https://osf.io/3mg5d/?view_only=b5c7749d4a7945c5a161f0915a2d0259 ].



摘要 自然联系的心理结构——个人与自然世界关系的深度——不仅与心理健康的益处有关,而且还显示出与黑暗人格文学相关的人格特征的关系。其中包括随和、认知和情感上的同理心,以及冷酷无情的特质。在两项独立抽样的研究中,我们描绘了自然联系和黑暗人格的显性和隐性指数之间的关系。在研究 1 (N = 304) 中,精神病(和马基雅维利主义)与自我报告但不隐含测量的自然联系相关。此外,相对于郊区或农村生活,在黑暗人格方面得分高的人表现出对市中心的偏好。在研究 2 (N = 209) 中,我们复制了研究 1 中关于自然联系的明确测量的结果,但没有发现黑暗人格与参与者以前居住过的人口密度之间的进一步关系。概述了自然连通性的隐式和伪指数的局限性,并就未来研究和自然连通性干预在法医人群中的潜在作用对结果进行了讨论。数据、语法和手稿预印本可在此处获得:[ https://osf.io/3mg5d/?view_only=b5c7749d4a7945c5a161f0915a2d0259 ]。概述了自然连通性的隐式和伪指数的局限性,并就未来研究和自然连通性干预在法医人群中的潜在作用对结果进行了讨论。数据、语法和手稿预印本可在此处获得:[ https://osf.io/3mg5d/?view_only=b5c7749d4a7945c5a161f0915a2d0259 ]。概述了自然连通性的隐式和伪指数的局限性,并就未来研究和自然连通性干预在法医人群中的潜在作用对结果进行了讨论。数据、语法和手稿预印本可在此处获得:[ https://osf.io/3mg5d/?view_only=b5c7749d4a7945c5a161f0915a2d0259 ]。