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Review of the Empirical Evidence for Superluminal Particles and the 3 + 3 Model of the Neutrino Masses
Advances in Astronomy ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1155/2019/2820492
Robert Ehrlich 1

A review is given of hypothetical faster-than-light tachyons and the development of the author’s model of the neutrino mass states, which includes one tachyonic mass state doublet. Published empirical evidence for the model is summarized, including an interpretation of the mysterious Mont Blanc neutrino burst from SN 1987A as being due to tachyonic neutrinos having This possibility requires an 8 MeV antineutrino line from SN 1987A, which a new dark matter model has been found to support. Furthermore, this dark matter model is supported by several datasets: rays from the galactic center, and the Kamiokande-II neutrino data on the day of SN 1987A. The KATRIN experiment should serve as the unambiguous test of the model and its tachyonic mass state.


超腔粒子和中微子质量的3 + 3模型的经验证据的回顾。

审查了假设的快于光速的速度和作者的发展 中微子质量态的模型,其中包括一个速激子质量态双峰。总结了该模型的已公开经验证据,包括对SN 1987A中神秘的勃朗峰中微子爆发的解释是由于速流中微子具有这种可能性要求使用SN 1987A的8 MeV抗中微子谱线,该谱线已被发现可以支持新的暗物质模型。此外,这个暗物质模型得到了几个数据集的支持:银河系中心的射线,以及SN 1987A日的Kamiokande-II中微子数据。KATRIN实验应作为对 模型及其速动质量状态。