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Evaluating development path changes using a novel climate action assessment framework in three municipalities in British Columbia, Canada
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.09.007
F. Jost , A. Dale , R. Newell , J. Robinson

Abstract To transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon economy, a series of local governments in British Columbia, Canada, are implementing climate action and innovation. This is largely in response to a need for societal changes in current development paths. However, there has been a lack of studies assessing the effectiveness of these actions and whether these municipalities are on track to meet their targets. This paper tests a newly developed assessment framework to evaluate local government actions and to better understand city-wide community development paths in three major cities in British Columbia—Vancouver, Victoria and Surrey. This assessment reveals notable progress in their transitions to sustainable pathways in areas such as agenda setting and strategy, plan formulation and implementation, and these sometimes result in transformative actions. Nonetheless, a gap between these actions and their performance reveals that local governments from this study are failing to properly address the current climate emergency. In particular, the municipalities lack processes for evaluating their progress in changing their current paths. This reduces their capacity to identify best practices to improve the effectiveness of climate actions and also hinders their ability to act on feedback and make adjustments to meet their stated goals and targets.



摘要 为了向更加可持续和低碳的经济转型,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一系列地方政府正在实施气候行动和创新。这主要是为了应对当前发展路径中社会变革的需要。然而,缺乏评估这些行动的有效性以及这些市政当局是否有望实现其目标的研究。本文测试了一个新开发的评估框架,以评估当地政府的行动,并更好地了解不列颠哥伦比亚省三个主要城市——温哥华、维多利亚和萨里的全市社区发展路径。该评估揭示了它们在议程设置和战略、计划制定和实施等领域向可持续道路过渡的显着进展,这些有时会导致变革性的行动。尽管如此,这些行动与其表现之间的差距表明,这项研究中的地方政府未能妥善应对当前的气候紧急情况。特别是,市政当局缺乏评估其改变当前路径的进展的程序。这降低了他们确定最佳实践以提高气候行动有效性的能力,也阻碍了他们根据反馈采取行动并进行调整以实现其既定目标和指标的能力。