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Blockchain and society
Informatik Spektrum Pub Date : 2020-02-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00287-020-01246-7
Toni Caradonna

In this text, the origin of blockchain technology is explained and put into the context of three waves of digitalization: digitalization of information represented by the internet, digitalization of communities and community building tools represented by social media and digitalization of value represented by blockchain. The text will show that blockchain can bring back promised features of digitalization of the first two waves, features that were lost with centralization tendencies created by business models that are independent of the underlying technology. After a short introduction to the terminology, a map of the potential blockchain has for society is sketched. The text also debates the decentralization aspects of the technology and the challenges it poses for individuals and organizations. Later, the storytelling aspects, as well as some religious aspects within and around the blockchain community are analyzed. Finally, some thoughts about adoption scenarios are laid out, and some ideas why blockchains have become very important in Switzerland are formulated. The focus of this text is on the opportunities and strengths of the technology. It deliberately oversimplifies the technological aspects in order to focus on the implication of the technology on society.



在本文中,将解释区块链技术的起源并将其置于三波数字化浪潮的背景下:以互联网为代表的信息数字化,以社区媒体为代表的社区数字化和社区建设工具以及以区块链为代表的价值数字化。文本将显示,区块链可以带回前两波的数字化承诺功能,这些功能因独立于底层技术的业务模型创建的集中化趋势而丢失。在对术语进行简短介绍之后,勾画出了区块链对社会的潜在地图。文本还讨论了技术的分散化方面及其对个人和组织带来的挑战。后来,讲故事的方面 分析了区块链社区内部和周围的一些宗教方面。最后,提出了关于采用场景的一些想法,并提出了为什么区块链在瑞士变得非常重要的一些想法。本文的重点是技术的机会和优势。它故意过分简化了技术方面,以关注技术对社会的影响。