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Petrographic and geochemical study of the stone warrior stelae from central Iberia: Linking the geological record and archaeological heritage
Geoarchaeology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-22 , DOI: 10.1002/gea.21759
E. Merino Martínez 1 , P. Andonaegui 2 , T. Chapa 3 , J. Pereira Sieso 4

Six warrior stelae from central Iberia (Toledo, Spain) were studied using different geological techniques to discriminate their potential source materials and evaluate the displacement suffered from the quarry sites to their final location. The similar petrographic and geochemical features of the stelae, when compared with other lithological equivalents cropping out in the surrounding area, suggest that most raw materials were quarried less than 10 km from the finds. These materials mainly belong to a set of metasedimentary rocks from the Schist–Graywacke Complex and other Ordovician brownish sandstones, mostly found in the vicinity of the stelae sites. In contrast, the Talavera de la Reina stele, previously used as a statue‐menhir, was engraved on a leucogranite, geochemically similar to some plutonic units in the Navamorcuende area, in the southernmost region of the Spanish Central System batholith. The fact that all stelae and the proposed geological sources were located close to ancient tracks suggests that the raw materials were quarried in connection with these natural routes. The stelae may, therefore, have been landmarks or reference points that signaled transit passages used for trade or grazing, in the framework of continuous territorial expansion during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.



研究人员使用不同的地质技术研究了来自伊比利亚中部(西班牙托莱多)的六名战士石碑,以区分其潜在的原材料,并评估了从采石场到最终地点的位移。与周围地区种植的其他岩性等效物相比,该石碑具有相似的岩石学和地球化学特征,这表明大多数原材料的采掘距离发现不到10公里。这些材料主要属于一套由Schist-Graywacke矿床和其他奥陶纪带褐色砂岩组成的沉积沉积岩,主要分布在石碑遗址附近。相比之下,以前用作雕像雕像的塔拉韦拉·德拉·雷纳(Talavera de la Reina)碑刻在白云石上,其地球化学性质类似于纳瓦莫昆德地区的一些深成岩单元,在西班牙中央系统岩基的最南端。所有的石碑和拟议的地质资源都位于靠近古迹的事实表明,与这些自然路线有关的原材料是经过采掘的。因此,在青铜时代晚期和铁器时代初期,领土不断扩张的背景下,碑石可能已成为标志性地标或参考点,标志着用于贸易或放牧的过境通道。