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The mass of a dark matter WIMP derived from the Hubble constant conflict
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/20/9/136
John Baruch

There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles, which only “feel” the gravitational force influence the local and distant universe (Karachentsev et al 2018, Nesti & Salucci 2012, Rubin 2004), despite drawing a complete blank in the search for such a particle (Drees et al 2001, Archambault et al 2012 & Vasiliki 2015). The expansion rate of the universe is defined by the Hubble constant h (Hubble 1929). Measurements of the Hubble constant at different wavelengths produce different results, differing well beyond their errors (Ade et al 2014 & Reiss et al 2018). Here it is shown that the two precise but different values for the Hubble constant can be used to derive the mass of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). An approximate mass of 10eV is determined with indications of why, so far, it has not been found and what is required to get positive confirmation of its presence. This result also indicates that the Hubble constant is the sum of more than one contribution with suggestions for experimental tests to determine, more precisely, the level of these contributions.


源自哈勃常数冲突的暗物质 WIMP 的质量

尽管在搜索中完全空白,但仍有充分的理由相信暗物质粒子仅“感受”引力影响本地和遥远的宇宙(Karachentsev et al 2018, Nesti & Salucci 2012, Rubin 2004)对于这种粒子(Drees 等人 2001、Archambault 等人 2012 和 Vasiliki 2015)。宇宙的膨胀率由哈勃常数 h (Hubble 1929) 定义。在不同波长下测量哈勃常数会产生不同的结果,差异远远超出其误差(Ade et al 2014 & Reiss et al 2018)。这里表明,哈勃常数的两个精确但不同的值可用于推导出弱相互作用大质量粒子 (WIMP) 的质量。确定了大约 10eV 的质量,并说明了为什么到目前为止,尚未找到它以及获得对其存在的积极确认所需的条件。这一结果还表明,哈勃常数是多个贡献的总和,并建议进行实验测试,以更准确地确定这些贡献的水平。