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Pairwise meta-analysis of aggregate data using metaan in Stata
The Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1536867x20953575
Evangelos Kontopantelis 1 , David Reeves 2

A few years ago, we developed metaan, a package to perform fixedor random-effects meta-analysis. In terms of random-effects meta-analysis, it offered a wide choice of models, including maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, or restricted maximum-likelihood, in addition to the established DerSimonian–Laird method available in metan or Cochrane’s RevMan software. Other unique features included a wide range of reported heterogeneity measures and a plot of the maximum likelihood function. Since then, metaan has been continuously updated to offer improved graphics, more options, and more meta-analysis models. In this necessary update, we describe these additions and discuss the new models and the evidence behind them.



