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Plectatrypinae and other ribbed atrypides succeeding the end Ordovician extinction event, Central Oslo Region, Norway
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.69
B. Gudveig Baarli

Strata of the Solvik Formation in the central Oslo Region (upper Hirnantian through most of Aeronian) are very fossiliferous and provide a good record relating to the survival and recovery faunas after the end-Ordovician mass extinctions. The ribbed atrypide fauna is especially rich with 21 species present. Samples from most of these taxa have been sectioned to reveal internal structures for taxonomic study. Of these, 13 species belong to the family Atrypidae, three of which are described in the present paper;Dihelictera engerensisn. sp.,Gotatrypa vettrensisn. sp., andRhinatrypa henningsmoenin. gen. The family Atrypidae follows a global pattern of recovery with an increase in diversity registered in upper Rhuddanian and further diversification in Aeronian strata. The focus of this paper is the family Atrypinidae, which shows a different pattern. They are common and fairly diverse near the base of the Rhuddanian in deeper waters and rare further up, especially in the Aeronian. One new genus,Bockeliena, and two new species,Plectatrypa rindiandEuroatrypa?sigridiare defined. The relationship between the subfamilies Spirigerininae and Plectatrypinae is clarified through thin sections of material from the Ordovician/Silurian boundary layers. The plectatrypids originated in Baltica through transitional species found in upper Katian to Hirnantian strata leading from the cosmopolitanEospirigerinato thePlectatrypalineage with imbricate ribbing and, separately, toBockelienaand others with lamellose, widely spaced ornamentation. The Oslo Region probably acted as a nexus for survival and spread of brachiopods after the end-Ordovician mass extinction.UUID:http://zoobank.org/95340b41-5537-4192-9338-211a2940bea8.


挪威中奥斯陆地区,继奥陶纪末期灭绝事件之后的 Plectatrypinae 和其他带肋的 atrypides

奥斯陆中部地区的 Solvik 组地层(上 Hirnantian 到大部分的 Aeronian)是非常含化石的,并提供了与奥陶纪末大灭绝后动物群的生存和恢复有关的良好记录。有棱纹的 atrypide 动物群特别丰富,有 21 种。大多数这些分类群的样本已被分割,以揭示分类学研究的内部结构。其中,13种属于Atrypidae科,本文描述了其中3种;黄芩n. sp.,荸荠n. sp.,和鹌鹑n. 将军 Atrypidae 家族遵循全球复苏模式,在上 Rhuddanian 记录的多样性增加,在 Aeronian 地层进一步多样化。这篇论文的重点是Atrypinidae家族,它表现出不同的模式。它们在较深水域的鲁丹阶底部附近很常见且相当多样化,而在更深的水域则很少见,尤其是在埃罗尼亚。一个新的属,博克列纳,以及两个新物种,凤眼莲欧莴苣?锡格里迪被定义。Spirigerininae 和 Plectatrypinae 亚科之间的关系通过来自奥陶纪/志留纪边界层的材料薄片得以阐明。plectatrypids 起源于波罗的海,通过在 Katian 上部发现的过渡物种到从世界性的 Hirnantian 地层中发现新螺旋体蝶形目带有叠瓦状罗纹的血统,并且分别地博克列纳和其他具有片状、间距宽的装饰。奥斯陆地区可能是奥陶纪末大灭绝后腕足动物生存和传播的纽带。UUID:http://zoobank.org/95340b41-5537-4192-9338-211a2940bea8.