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Lexical selection in bimodal bilinguals: ERP evidence from picture-word interference
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2020.1821905
Karen Emmorey 1 , Megan Mott 2 , Gabriela Meade 3 , Phillip J Holcomb 2 , Katherine J Midgley 2


The picture word interference (PWI) paradigm and ERPs were used to investigate whether lexical selection in deaf and hearing ASL-English bilinguals occurs via lexical competition or whether the response exclusion hypothesis (REH) for PWI effects is supported. The REH predicts that semantic interference should not occur for bimodal bilinguals because sign and word responses do not compete within an output buffer. Bimodal bilinguals named pictures in ASL, preceded by either a translation equivalent, semantically-related, or unrelated English written word. In both the translation and semantically-related conditions bimodal bilinguals showed facilitation effects: reduced RTs and N400 amplitudes for related compared to unrelated prime conditions. We also observed an unexpected focal left anterior positivity that was stronger in the translation condition, which we speculate may be due to articulatory priming. Overall, the results support the REH and models of bilingual language production that assume lexical selection occurs without competition between languages.


双模双语者的词汇选择:来自图词干扰的 ERP 证据


图片词干扰 (PWI) 范式和 ERP 用于调查聋人和听力 ASL-英语双语者的词汇选择是否通过词汇竞争发生,或者是否支持 PWI 效应的反应排除假设 (REH)。REH 预测双模双语者不应发生语义干扰,因为符号和单词响应不会在输出缓冲区内竞争。双模双语者在 ASL 中命名图片,前面是翻译对等的、语义相关的或不相关的英语书面单词。在翻译和语义相关的条件下,双模双语者都表现出促进作用:与不相关的主要条件相比,相关的 RT 和 N400 幅度降低。我们还观察到意外的局灶性左前阳性,在平移条件下更强,我们推测这可能是由于关节启动。总体而言,结果支持 REH 和双语语言生成模型,这些模型假设词汇选择在语言之间没有竞争的情况下发生。
