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Framing conflicting scientific views of John Robison on the Euler’s column buckling problem in the socio-political context of the late XVIII century
Meccanica ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11012-019-01043-x
Luis A. Godoy

The analytical approach of Leonhard Euler to the solution of an elastic column under compression is seen today as a landmark in buckling studies. However, this work was not well received in Great Britain during the late XVIII and XIX centuries. This paper considers the reaction of John Robison, Professor at the University of Edinburgh, published as an article in Encyclopedia Britannica, who attempted to disqualify Euler at scientific, methodological, and personal levels. The article was reproduced from edition three to eight, thus covering a period of some 90 years. The technical arguments made by Robison, together with the context in which he lived, are taken into account in order to explore the reasons behind the aggressive campaign of Robison against one of the most famous mathematicians of the XVIII century.



Leonhard Euler 对受压弹性柱求解的分析方法如今被视为屈曲研究的里程碑。然而,在十八世纪末和十九世纪末,这项工作在英国并不受欢迎。本文考虑了爱丁堡大学教授约翰·罗宾逊 (John Robison) 的反应,他在大英百科全书上发表文章,试图在科学、方法论和个人层面取消欧拉的资格。这篇文章从第三版到第八版再版,涵盖了大约 90 年的时间。Robison 提出的技术论点以及他生活的背景都被考虑在内,以探讨 Robison 对十八世纪最著名的数学家之一进行侵略性运动背后的原因。