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Preservation and management of a World Heritage site Tajima Yahei Sericulture Farm and its buffer zone
Built Heritage Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s43238-020-00013-7
Sweet Yee Cheng , Satoshi Ono

Tajima Yahei Sericulture Farm, one of the four components of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites inscribed in 2014, was the starting point for advancements in sericulture farmhouses, emphasizing the importance of ventilation. Through Yahei’s experimentation surrounding the ideal space to breed silkworms, a new sericulture theory was invented, and a sericulture farmhouse architecture was formed. For the purpose of preserving this cultural heritage for future generations, it is important to understand the idea that led to the cultural and industrial advancement of the village of Shimamura and to revise the preservation plans prepared by stakeholders. This paper will discuss the development of the sericulture theory, seiryō-iku theory, and the formation of a sericulture farmhouse architecture; describe the adaptation of former sericulture farmhouses and the surrounding landscapes in terms of the industry and environment; outline the plans and efforts for the preservation and revitalization of Tajima Yahei Sericulture Farm, its surrounding area and its underlying issues; and propose a direction for future preservation plans.



2014年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产富冈制丝厂及相关遗址的四个组成部分之一的田岛八平(Tajima Yahei)养蚕场是养蚕农舍发展的起点,强调了通风的重要性。通过Yahei在理想的蚕桑繁殖空间周围进行的实验,发明了一种新的蚕桑理论,并形成了一种蚕桑农舍建筑。为了保护子孙后代的这种文化遗产,重要的是要理解导致岛村村落的文化和工业进步的想法,并修改利益相关者制定的保护计划。本文将讨论养蚕学,养生育学理论的发展以及养蚕农舍建筑的形成。从工业和环境的角度描述以前的蚕桑农舍和周围景观的改编;概述了维护和振兴田岛Yahei蚕桑农场,其周边地区及其潜在问题的计划和努力;并提出未来保存计划的方向。