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Gateway Controller with Deep Sensing: Learning to be Autonomic in Intelligent Internet of Things
arXiv - CS - Computers and Society Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: arxiv-2009.08646
Rahim Rahmani and Ramin Firouzi

The Internet of Things(IoT) will revolutionize the Future Internet through ubiquitous sensing. One of the challenges of having the hundreds of billions of devices that are estimated to be deployed would be rise of an enormous amount of data, along with the devices ability to manage. This paper presents an approach as a controller solution and designed specifically for autonomous management, connectivity and data interoperability in an IoT gateway. The approach supports distributed IoT nodes with both management and data interoperability with other cloud-based solutions. The concept further allows gateways to easily collect and process interoperability of data from IoT devices. We demonstrated the feasibility of the approach and evaluate its advantages regarding deep sensing and autonomous enabled gateway as an edge computational intelligence.



物联网 (IoT) 将通过无处不在的传感彻底改变未来的互联网。预计部署数千亿台设备的挑战之一是海量数据以及设备管理能力的增加。本文介绍了一种作为控制器解决方案的方法,专为物联网网关中的自主管理、连接性和数据互操作性而设计。该方法支持分布式物联网节点,具有与其他基于云的解决方案的管理和数据互操作性。该概念进一步允许网关轻松收集和处理来自物联网设备的数据的互操作性。我们证明了该方法的可行性,并评估了其在深度传感和自主启用网关作为边缘计算智能方面的优势。