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Vibrational communication and mating behavior of the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius
Entomologia Generalis ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2020/0983
Sabina Avosani , Elissa Daher , Pietro Franceschi , Marco Ciolli , Vincenzo Verrastro , Valerio Mazzoni

Vibrational pest control techniques have been recently developed for several Hemiptera, suggesting that similar strategies could be applied to other species that emit vibrational signals. To evaluate the applicability of a control method for Philaenus spumarius, the vector of Xylella fastidiosa in olive orchards in Italy, we investigated its mating behavior and characterized the associated substrate-borne signals. The vibrational signals emitted by males and females were recorded with a laser vibrometer from the surface of a leaf. Male and female repertoires consisted each of three vibrational signals with distinct features. Pair formation begun with the calling signal of a receptive female and mating was accomplished when a vibrational duet was established and maintained until the male reached the female on the plant. Female calls and duets occurred only in trials conducted in September, while earlier in the season females emitted rejection signals to courting males. Intrasexual communication between males involved the emission of vibrational signals, whose role is still not clear. Playback trials with either a female or male calling signal elicited the emission of different vibrational signals by the tested males. Further experiments with playbacks are warranted to identify vibrational signals to be used for manipulating P. spumarius behavior and develop a future control method.


草地瓢虫Philaenus spumarius的振动通讯和交配行为

振动害虫防治技术最近已经为几种半翅目昆虫开发,这表明类似的策略可以应用于发出振动信号的其他物种。为了评估一种控制方法在意大利橄榄果园中的Xilella fastidiosa载体——Philaenus spumarius的控制方法,我们调查了其交配行为并表征了相关的基质传播信号。雄性和雌性发出的振动信号用激光振动计从叶片表面记录下来。男性和女性曲目包含三个具有明显特征的振动信号。成对的形成始于雌性的呼唤信号,并且建立并维持振动二重奏直到雄性到达植物上的雌性,才完成交配。女性电话和二重唱仅发生在9月进行的试验中,而本赛季初,女性向求爱男性发出拒绝信号。男性之间的性交交流涉及振动信号的发出,其作用尚不清楚。对女性或男性呼叫信号的回放试验会导致被测男性发​​出不同的振动信号。有必要对回放进行进一步的实验,以识别振动信号以用于操纵假单胞菌的行为并开发一种未来的控制方法。对女性或男性呼叫信号的回放试验会导致被测男性发​​出不同的振动信号。有必要对回放进行进一步的实验,以识别振动信号以用于操纵假单胞菌的行为并开发一种未来的控制方法。对女性或男性呼叫信号的回放试验会导致被测男性发​​出不同的振动信号。有必要对回放进行进一步的实验,以识别振动信号以用于操纵假单胞菌的行为并开发一种未来的控制方法。