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Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London
Transportation Planning and Technology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-30 , DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2019.1609215
Mengqiu Cao 1, 2 , Robin Hickman 2

ABSTRACT Social equity, and the contribution that transport planning can make to social equity, are increasingly attracting the attention of transport planners and researchers. This perhaps reflects the heightened levels of social inequity in cities and the concern over differential access to transport and participation in activities. This paper considers these issues by applying the Capabilities Approach to transport, in order to examine an individual’s opportunities to travel and engage in activities (capabilities) and their actual day to day travel and engagement in activities (functionings). London is selected as a case study using analysis from three Underground stations on the Jubilee Line Extension. The findings show that there are statistically significant differences in terms of capabilities and functionings across the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals, and also across different neighbourhoods in London. It is argued that unless local residents’ potential travel opportunities and actual activities, and the gaps between them, are better understood and responded to, the problem of transport-related social inequity is likely to persist in London. Therefore, we suggest that the findings from this research, including the multi-dimensional social indicators and understanding of the barriers to accessibility, could be used alongside existing approaches such as accessibility planning.



摘要 社会公平以及交通规划对社会公平的贡献越来越引起交通规划者和研究人员的关注。这或许反映了城市中社会不平等程度的加剧以及对交通和活动参与机会差异的担忧。本文通过将能力方法应用于交通来考虑这些问题,以检查个人旅行和参与活动(能力)的机会以及他们实际的日常旅行和参与活动(功能)。伦敦被选为案例研究,使用来自 Jubilee Line Extension 的三个地铁站的分析。研究结果表明,在个人的社会人口特征以及伦敦不同社区的能力和功能方面存在统计学上的显着差异。有人认为,除非当地居民的潜在旅行机会和实际活动以及它们之间的差距得到更好的理解和回应,否则与交通相关的社会不平等问题很可能会在伦敦持续存在。因此,我们建议本研究的结果,包括多维社会指标和对无障碍障碍的理解,可以与无障碍规划等现有方法一起使用。有人认为,除非当地居民的潜在旅行机会和实际活动以及它们之间的差距得到更好的理解和回应,否则与交通相关的社会不平等问题可能会在伦敦持续存在。因此,我们建议本研究的结果,包括多维社会指标和对无障碍障碍的理解,可以与无障碍规划等现有方法一起使用。有人认为,除非当地居民的潜在旅行机会和实际活动以及它们之间的差距得到更好的理解和回应,否则与交通相关的社会不平等问题很可能会在伦敦持续存在。因此,我们建议本研究的结果,包括多维社会指标和对无障碍障碍的理解,可以与无障碍规划等现有方法一起使用。