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Two new species of nematodes of the genus Cloacina (Strongyloidea: Cloacininae) parasitic in the stomachs of red kangaroos, Osphranter rufus (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-11 , DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2018.1461180
Ian Beveridge 1

ABSTRACT Two new species of Cloacina (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) are described from the stomach of the red kangaroo, Osphranter rufus. Cloacina xericola sp. nov. is described from a single locality, Menzies, in Western Australia. It differs from all congeners in having a highly recurrent vagina, six leaf crown elements, a lack of bosses in the lining of the oesophagus and extremely long spicules. Cloacina eris sp. nov. is most closely related to C. ares Beveridge, 1998 in the features of the buccal capsule and oesophagus, but differs in the position of the deirid, being posterior to the nerve ring in the new species, as well as in the form of the spicule ala which diminishes towards the tip in the new species, the greater length of the female tail, and the convoluted vagina of the new species. Cloacina eris is reported from both Western Australia and Queensland and at one locality in western Queensland, both C. eris and C. ares co-occur. Additional geographical records are provided for C. ares.


寄生在红袋鼠胃中的两种新种Cloacina(Strongyloidea:Cloacininae)线虫,Osphranter rufus(Marsupialia:Macropodidae)

摘要 从红袋鼠 Osphranter rufus 的胃中描述了两种新的 Cloacina(线虫纲:Strongyloidea)。Cloacina xericola sp. 十一月 描述来自西澳大利亚的一个地方 Menzies。它与所有同类的不同之处在于具有高度复发的阴道、六个叶冠元素、食道内壁缺乏凸台和极长的针状体。Cloacina eris sp。十一月 在颊囊和食道的特征上与 C. ares Beveridge, 1998 最密切相关,但在新种的神经环后面的 deirid 的位置以及骨针的形式上有所不同ala 在新物种中朝着尖端逐渐减少,雌性尾巴的长度更长,以及新物种的复杂阴道。据报道,西澳大利亚州和昆士兰州都有 Cloacina eris,在昆士兰西部的一个地方,C. eris 和 C. ares 共同出现。为 C. are 提供了额外的地理记录。