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The hotelisation of the housing crisis: Experiences of family homelessness in Dublin hotels
The Geographical Journal ( IF 3.384 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-10 , DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12307
Mel Nowicki 1 , Katherine Brickell 2 , Ella Harris 3

Often assumed to be politically neutral sites, hotels are increasingly entering public consciousness in relation to housing and housing crises. The unprecedented rise of ‘sharing economy’ models such as Airbnb has reshaped understandings of what constitutes a hotel. Housing is routinely taken out of longer-term rental markets and into the tourist accommodation industry, reducing the amount of stock available for private renters. Meanwhile, increasing homelessness in many cities across Europe and North America, including family homelessness, has led to hotels increasingly being used as emergency accommodation. More than a year on from the horrific fire at Grenfell Tower in West London, 42 out of the 208 households displaced by the fire remained living in hotels as of June 2018 (BBC, 2018). Alongside this, the repurposing of hotels as de facto detention centres for asylum seekers has become increasingly common in countries such as the UK, Ireland and Canada (Dawson, 2014; Gibson, 2010). The increasing appearance of hotels in housing crises has also been examined in popular culture, with the 2017 film The Florida Project exploring the lives of impoverished families living in a motel in the shadow of Disneyworld.



酒店通常被认为是政治中立的场所,越来越多地进入公众对住房和住房危机的认识。Airbnb等“共享经济”模式的空前兴起,重塑了对酒店构成的理解。住房经常从长期租赁市场转移到旅游住宿行业,从而减少了私人租户的可用存量。与此同时,欧洲和北美许多城市的无家可归者人数增加,包括家庭无家可归者,导致酒店越来越多地被用作紧急住所。在伦敦西部 Grenfell Tower 发生可怕的火灾一年多之后,截至 2018 年 6 月,在因火灾而流离失所的 208 户家庭中,有 42 户仍住在酒店(BBC,2018 年)。与此同时,在英国、爱尔兰和加拿大等国家,将酒店重新用作寻求庇护者事实上的拘留中心变得越来越普遍(Dawson,2014 年;Gibson,2010 年)。流行文化也审视了越来越多的酒店出现在住房危机中,2017 年的电影《佛罗里达项目》探索了住在迪斯尼乐园阴影下汽车旅馆的贫困家庭的生活。