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Designing response scales with multi-trait-multi-method experiments
Mathematical Population Studies ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08898480.2018.1439241
Diana Zavala-Rojas 1 , Raül Tormos 2 , Wiebke Weber 1 , Melanie Revilla 1

ABSTRACT Split-ballot multi-trait-multi-method experiments are used to evaluate the quality of measurement of different response scales of survey items gauging “evaluation of government services” and “political trust.” The response scales differ by agree/disagree scales, item-specific scales, total number of categories, and the presence of fixed reference points on their constructing extreme items. The Center for Opinion Studies of the Catalan government in Spain conducted the survey in 2011. The best response scale depends on the complexity of the topic and of the formulation of the question. For simple topics and formulations, the format of the response scale has no effect on the quality of measurement.



摘要 采用分选投票多特征多方法实验,对“政府服务评价”和“政治信任度”调查项目不同响应量表的测量质量进行评价。响应量表因同意/不同意量表、项目特定量表、类别总数以及在其构建极端项目上是否存在固定参考点而不同。西班牙加泰罗尼亚政府意见研究中心于 2011 年进行了这项调查。最佳回答量表取决于主题的复杂程度和问题的表述方式。对于简单的主题和公式,响应量表的格式对测量质量没有影响。