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Regulating Cryptocurrencies: A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to De-Anonymizing the Bitcoin Blockchain
Journal of Management Information Systems ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2018.1550550
Hao Hua Sun Yin , Klaus Langenheldt , Mikkel Harlev , Raghava Rao Mukkamala , Ravi Vatrapu

Abstract Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency whose transactions are recorded on a distributed, openly accessible ledger. On the Bitcoin Blockchain, an owning entity’s real-world identity is hidden behind a pseudonym, a so-called address. Therefore, Bitcoin is widely assumed to provide a high degree of anonymity, which is a driver for its frequent use for illicit activities. This paper presents a novel approach for de-anonymizing the Bitcoin Blockchain by using Supervised Machine Learning to predict the type of yet-unidentified entities. We utilized a sample of 957 entities (with ≈385 million transactions), whose identity and type had been revealed, as training set data and built classifiers differentiating among 12 categories. Our main finding is that we can indeed predict the type of a yet-unidentified entity. Using the Gradient Boosting algorithm with default parameters, we achieve a mean cross-validation accuracy of 80.42% and F1-score of ≈79.64%. We show two examples, one where we predict on a set of 22 clusters that are suspected to be related to cybercriminal activities, and another where we classify 153,293 clusters to provide an estimation of the activity on the Bitcoin ecosystem. We discuss the potential applications of our method for organizational regulation and compliance, societal implications, outline study limitations, and propose future research directions. A prototype implementation of our method for organizational use is included in the appendix.



摘要 比特币是一种加密货币,其交易记录在分布式、可公开访问的分类账上。在比特币区块链上,拥有实体的真实身份隐藏在化名之后,即所谓的地址。因此,人们普遍认为比特币具有高度的匿名性,这是其频繁用于非法活动的驱动因素。本文提出了一种通过使用监督机器学习来预测尚未识别实体的类型来对比特币区块链进行去匿名化的新方法。我们使用了 957 个实体(约 3.85 亿笔交易)的样本,其身份和类型已被揭示,作为训练集数据并构建了区分 12 个类别的分类器。我们的主要发现是我们确实可以预测尚未识别的实体的类型。使用具有默认参数的梯度提升算法,我们实现了 80.42% 的平均交叉验证准确度和 ≈79.64% 的 F1 分数。我们展示了两个例子,一个是我们对一组 22 个怀疑与网络犯罪活动相关的集群进行预测,另一个是我们对 153,293 个集群进行分类以提供对比特币生态系统活动的估计。我们讨论了我们的方法在组织监管和合规、社会影响方面的潜在应用,概述了研究局限性,并提出了未来的研究方向。我们的组织使用方法的原型实现包含在附录中。一个是我们预测一组 22 个怀疑与网络犯罪活动有关的集群,另一个是我们对 153,293 个集群进行分类,以提供对比特币生态系统活动的估计。我们讨论了我们的方法在组织监管和合规、社会影响方面的潜在应用,概述了研究局限性,并提出了未来的研究方向。我们的组织使用方法的原型实现包含在附录中。一个是我们预测一组 22 个怀疑与网络犯罪活动有关的集群,另一个是我们对 153,293 个集群进行分类,以提供对比特币生态系统活动的估计。我们讨论了我们的方法在组织监管和合规、社会影响方面的潜在应用,概述了研究局限性,并提出了未来的研究方向。我们的组织使用方法的原型实现包含在附录中。