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44. Peat bog Vapsko-2, Rila Mountains (Bulgaria)
Grana ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2019.1583278
Spassimir Tonkov 1 , Elena Marinova 2 , Angelica Feurdean 3

The peat bog Vapsko-2 (42° 04ʹ 26.85′′ N, 23° 31ʹ 27.81′′ E; 2120 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) is located in the lower range of the subalpine belt, at the present timberline, in the southern part of the Rila Mountains. The peat bog is about 90m long and20–35mwide. It is surrounded by dense stands of Pinus mugo Turra with some Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., Picea abies L. (Karst.) and Pinus peuce Griseb. to the north, northwest and southwest. To the east the peat bog borders a steep high slope overgrown by Pinus mugo and scattered trees of Pinus peuce. The bog surface is covered by hummocks of Sphagnum spp., Carex nigra (L.) Reichard, Carex rostrata Stokes, Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., Nardus stricta L., Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe, Parnassia palustris L., Veratrum lobelianum Bernh., Rumex alpinus L., Caltha laeta Schott, Nyman & Kotschy, Plantago gentianoides Sm., Gentiana nivalis L., etc. The coniferous forest belt in this part of the RilaMountains is dominated by Pinus peuce, admixed with Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris L. At lower altitudes Abies alba Mill. also occurs. The present distribution of Fagus sylvaticaL. below1200–1000m is fragmented, together with the oak forests (Bondev 2002;Tonkov et al. 2018). The climate is montane and at the tree-line the mean January temperature is −6°C while the mean August temperature is 11.4°C (Bozilova & Tonkov 2011).


44. 泥炭沼泽 Vapsko-2,里拉山脉(保加利亚)

泥炭沼泽 Vapsko-2(北纬 42° 04ʹ 26.85'',东经 23° 31ʹ 27.81'';海拔 2120 m [asl])位于亚高山带的下部,在目前的林线,在里拉山脉的南部。泥炭沼泽长约 90m,宽约 20-35m。它被茂密的 Pinus mugo Turra 林分包围,其中有一些 Juniperus sibirica Burgsd.、Picea abies L.(喀斯特)和 Pinus peuce Griseb。向北、西北部和西南部。在东部,泥炭沼泽毗邻一个陡峭的高坡,上面长满了毛松和散落的黑松。沼泽表面覆盖着泥炭藓、黑苔草 (L.) Reichard、Carex rostrata Stokes、Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.、Nardus stricta L.、Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe、Parnassia palustris L.、Veratrum半边莲,Rumex alpinus L.,Caltha laeta Schott,Nyman & Kotschy,Plantago gentianoides Sm.、Gentiana nivalis L.等。RilaMountains这部分的针叶林带以Pinus peuce为主,混有Picea abies和Pinus sylvestris L。在低海拔的Abies alba Mill。也会发生。Fagus sylvaticaL 的当前分布。1200-1000 米以下的区域与橡树林一起被分割成碎片(Bondev 2002;Tonkov 等人,2018)。气候为山地气候,在林木线上,一月平均气温为 -6°C,而八月平均气温为 11.4°C(Bozilova & Tonkov 2011)。连同橡树林(Bondev 2002;Tonkov et al. 2018)。气候为山地气候,在林木线处,一月平均气温为 -6°C,而八月平均气温为 11.4°C(Bozilova & Tonkov 2011)。连同橡树林(Bondev 2002;Tonkov et al. 2018)。气候为山地气候,在林木线处,一月平均气温为 -6°C,而八月平均气温为 11.4°C(Bozilova & Tonkov 2011)。