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A Review of Potential Public Health Impacts Associated With the Global Dairy Sector
GeoHealth ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1029/2019gh000213
Leah Grout 1 , Michael G. Baker 1 , Nigel French 2 , Simon Hales 1

Strong demand for dairy products has led to a global increase in dairy production. In many parts of the world, dairy systems are undergoing rapid intensification. While increased production may contribute to food security, higher dairy stocking rates in some regions have resulted in increased pressure on natural resources with the potential to affect public health and wellbeing. The aim of this review was to identify and describe the potential health harms and benefits associated with dairy production and consumption. Electronic databases Medline, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar were searched for published literature that investigated human health impacts of dairy production and consumption. Occupational hazards, environmental health impacts, ecosystem health impacts, foodborne hazards, and diet‐related chronic diseases were identified as potential public health hazards. Some impacts, notably climate change, extend beyond directly exposed populations. Dairy production and consumption are also associated with important health benefits through the provision of nutrients and economic opportunities. As the global dairy sector increases production, exposure to a range of hazards must be weighed with these benefits. The review of impacts presented here can provide an input into decision making about optimal levels of dairy production and consumption, local land use, and identification and management of specific hazards from this sector. Future research should consider multiple exposure routes, socioeconomic implications, and environmental factors, particularly in regions heavily dependent on dairy farming.



对乳制品的强劲需求已导致全球乳制品产量的增长。在世界许多地方,乳制品系统正在快速集约化。虽然增加的产量可能有助于粮食安全,但某些地区较高的奶牛库存率导致对自然资源的压力增加,有可能影响公共健康和福祉。这次审查的目的是确定和描述与乳制品生产和消费相关的潜在健康危害和益处。在电子数据库Medline,Embase,Scopus,Web of Science,PubMed和Google Scholar中搜索了已发表的文献,这些文献调查了乳制品生产和消费对人类健康的影响。职业危害,环境健康影响,生态系统健康影响,食源性危害,与饮食有关的慢性病被确定为潜在的公共健康危害。一些影响,尤其是气候变化的影响超出了直接暴露的人群的范围。乳制品的生产和消费还通过提供营养和经济机会而与重要的健康益处相关。随着全球奶业产量的增加,必须权衡这些危害带来的各种危害。此处介绍的影响的审查可以为乳制品生产和消费的最佳水平,当地土地使用以及该部门特定危害的识别和管理提供决策依据。未来的研究应考虑多种接触途径,社会经济影响和环境因素,尤其是在严重依赖奶牛养殖的地区。