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Social Networks of Alaska Fishing Communities
Coastal Management ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2019.1525259
Anna Lavoie 1, 2 , Amber Himes-Cornell 3

Abstract Fishing community social networks function as channels for transfer of fishery knowledge, resources, and business transactions that help mitigate risks and shocks associated with altered access to fishery resources. Research on such networks in Alaska is limited despite their cultural importance and community reliance on fisheries. We contribute to scholarship of fishery social networks by assessing Alaska fishing community perspectives of challenges related to fisheries policy and management, and the existing social networks that aid in overcoming these challenges. Our findings show that the greatest challenges fishing communities face pertaining to fishery management are high costs of participating in catch share programs, restricted subsistence fishing activity due to decline in salmon, and complex regulations. Social networks exist for coping with these challenges; fishery information, and resources such as food, fuel and medicines are shared between communities. However, networks for accessing fishery support services are centralized in fewer larger communities and hubs such as Anchorage. Smaller and remote communities are the most compromised in this regard given the distance they must travel to access fishery support services. Leveraging social networks for sharing resources and improving fishery support services in smaller communities will increase their adaptive capacity and ability to maintain participation in Alaska fisheries.



摘要 渔业社区社交网络是渔业知识、资源和商业交易的传播渠道,有助于减轻与渔业资源获取方式改变相关的风险和冲击。尽管阿拉斯加具有重要的文化意义和社区对渔业的依赖,但对这些网络的研究仍然有限。我们通过评估阿拉斯加渔业社区对渔业政策和管理相关挑战的看法,以及有助于克服这些挑战的现有社交网络,为渔业社交网络的研究做出贡献。我们的研究结果表明,渔业社区在渔业管理方面面临的最大挑战是参与渔获份额计划的高成本、由于鲑鱼数量减少而限制自给性捕捞活动以及复杂的法规。社交网络的存在就是为了应对这些挑战;渔业信息以及食物、燃料和药品等资源在社区之间共享。然而,获得渔业支持服务的网络集中在较少的大型社区和中心,如安克雷奇。在这方面,较小和偏远的社区受到的影响最大,因为他们必须经过很远的距离才能获得渔业支持服务。利用社交网络共享资源并改善较小社区的渔业支持服务,将提高他们的适应能力和保持参与阿拉斯加渔业的能力。获得渔业支持服务的网络集中在较少的大型社区和中心,如安克雷奇。在这方面,较小和偏远的社区受到的影响最大,因为他们必须经过很远的距离才能获得渔业支持服务。利用社交网络共享资源并改善较小社区的渔业支持服务,将提高他们的适应能力和保持参与阿拉斯加渔业的能力。获得渔业支持服务的网络集中在较少的大型社区和中心,如安克雷奇。在这方面,较小和偏远的社区受到的影响最大,因为他们必须走很远才能获得渔业支持服务。利用社交网络在较小的社区共享资源和改善渔业支持服务将提高他们的适应能力和保持参与阿拉斯加渔业的能力。