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Chorological and taxonomic notes on African plants, 4: Caryophyllales
Botany Letters ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-13 , DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2019.1652848
Alexander P. Sukhorukov 1 , Maria Kushunina 2 , Ridha El Mokni 3 , Nicola M. G. Ardenghi 4 , Filip Verloove 5 , Pertti Uotila 6 , Cláudia Baider 7 , Peter V. Bruyns 8 , Cornelia Klak 8

Some taxonomically critical and poorly known taxa from the order Caryophyllales are discussed. Both molecular and morphological data suggest that the chorologically distant populations of Tribulocarpus dimorphanthus in Namibia and East Africa are not uniform. Consequently, a new combination for Tetragonia somalensis, previously described from East Africa, is made within the genus Tribulocarpus (as T. somalensis). A single record of T. dimorphanthus from South Africa is suggested here to be erroneous, so that in its new circumscription, T. dimorphanthus is endemic to Namibia. The morphology of Caroxylon nollothense and related taxa is discussed, and C. angolense and C. luederitzense are placed in the synonymy of C. nollothense. New records from southern Africa are presented for the poorly known Dysphania pseudomultiflora. Suaeda spicata, so far known only from Spain and Morocco, is recorded for Tunisia. The composition of the genus Chenopodium s.l. in its recent circumscription is revised for the flora of the Mascarenes, and C. blomianum is recorded for Mauritius. Sesuvium verrucosum from the Americas is recognized as a naturalized species on the São Vicente Island (Cape Verde). Opuntia elatior is recognized as a naturalized plant in Tunisia. A diagnostic key to the naturalized cacti in northern Africa is provided. Sagina apetala is recorded for Tanzania and the whole eastern Africa. Mollugo verticillata is recorded from South Africa for the first time. Oxygonum sinuatum, a species native to eastern and southern Africa, is recorded as a common weed in inland areas of the Santo Antão Island (Cape Verde).



讨论了一些从叶肉目到分类学的关键和鲜为人知的分类单元。分子和形态学数据均表明,在纳米比亚和东非,在学上相距遥远的Tribulocarpus dimorphanthus种群不均匀。因此,以前在东非描述过的Tetragonia somalensis的新组合是在Tribulocarpus属中(作为T. somalensis)制成的。这里提出了来自南非的单双歧杆菌的单条记录是错误的,因此在其新的限制范围内,双歧双歧杆菌是纳米比亚特有的。讨论了Caroxylon nollothense和相关分类单元的形态,并C. angolenseC. luederitzense被放置在的同义C. nollothense。来自南部非洲的新记录显示了鲜为人知的假多花植物苦参。Suaeda spicata,迄今仅从西班牙和摩洛哥已知,被记录为突尼斯。在最近的限制中,藜属sl属的组成针对Mascarenes的菌群进行了修改,而C. blomianum被记录为毛里求斯。来自美洲的绿皮疣被认为是圣维森特岛(佛得角)上的一种归化物种。仙人掌在突尼斯被公认为是归化植物。提供了诊断北非仙人掌的关键。Sagina apetala在坦桑尼亚和整个东非都有记录。南非Mollugo verticillata是第一次记录。Oxygonum sinuatum是原产于非洲东部和南部的一种物种,在圣安东尼奥岛(佛得角)的内陆地区被记录为常见杂草。
