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Insights into spatio-temporal dynamics of invertebrate communities from two alpine pasture ponds
Aquatic Insects ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2018.1523434
Valeria Lencioni 1 , Daniele Fattori 2 , Gianluca Nardi 3 , Leonardo Latella 2

Abstract This study aimed to characterise the composition, structure and trophic organisation of the macroinvertebrate communities of two pasture ponds – one natural and one artificial – in the Italian Prealps. Faunal composition was studied during the snow-free period in 2003–2004 and compared with data collected in 1984–1985. Insects (i.e., Coleoptera, Diptera and Heteroptera) prevailed (58%), followed by Tubificidae (40%). Overall, higher taxonomic diversity was assessed in the natural pond, which was less disturbed by livestock and humans. The invertebrate assemblages also had different inter- and intra-pond functional characteristics based on the substrate type (e.g., silt-mud sediments were dominated by collector-gatherers, burrowers and drought-tolerant taxa), vegetation cover and hydrological regime. The faunal composition of the two ponds was different from that reported 20 years prior due to the meteorological conditions (e.g., 2003 was exceptionally hot and dry), human activities (e.g., biomanipulation practices) and natural factors (e.g., siltation); these results emphasise the high vulnerability and resilience of alpine ponds.



摘要 本研究旨在表征意大利前阿尔卑斯山脉两个牧场池塘(一个天然池塘和一个人工池塘)的大型无脊椎动物群落的组成、结构和营养组织。在 2003-2004 年无雪期间研究了动物群组成,并与 1984-1985 年收集的数据进行了比较。昆虫(即鞘翅目、双翅目和异翅目)占主导地位(58%),其次是螟虫科(40%)。总体而言,在天然池塘中评估了更高的分类多样性,受牲畜和人类的干扰较小。基于基质类型(例如,淤泥沉积物以采集采集动物、穴居动物和耐旱类群为主)、植被覆盖和水文状况,无脊椎动物组合还具有不同的池间和池内功能特征。由于气象条件(如 2003 年异常炎热和干燥)、人类活动(如生物操作)和自然因素(如淤积),两个池塘的动物组成与 20 年前报告的不同;这些结果强调了高山池塘的高度脆弱性和复原力。