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A new record of the invasive blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) and his parasite from the Baltic basin
Oceanologia ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2019.06.004
Przemysław Czerniejewski , Natalia Kasowska , Angelika Linowska , Agnieszka Rybczyk

A specimen of the invasive Callinectes sapidus was recently found in the catchment basin of the Baltic Sea (Lake Dąbie, Poland). The discovery is significant because it indicates a widening of the crab's biogeographic range in northern Europe and confirms its expansion along European estuaries. The captured juvenile specimen from Lake Dąbie (estuary of the Oder River) had a carapace width (CW) of 125.58 mm, carapace length (CL) of 53.23 mm, and weight (w) of 100.19 g. This is the first record of this species in this part of the Baltic Sea catchment basin, following the discovery of a female caught in a plaice net northeast of Copenhagen (1951) and an adult male caught off Skagen, Northern Jutland, between the Kattegat and the Skagerrak (2007).


入侵蓝蟹的新记录(Callinectes sapidus Rathbun,1896)及其来自波罗的海盆地的寄生虫

最近在波罗的海(波兰多比湖)的集水盆地中发现了一种入侵的Callinectes sapidus的标本。这一发现意义重大,因为它表明了北欧螃蟹的生物地理范围不断扩大,并证实了其在欧洲河口的扩张。从多比湖(奥德河口)捕获的少年标本的甲壳宽度(CW)为125.58 mm,甲壳长度(CL)为53.23 mm,重量(w)为100.19 g。这是该物种在波罗的海集水盆地这一部分的第一个记录,这是在1951年在哥本哈根东北的网中发现一头雌性,在卡特加特河和北日德兰半岛斯卡根附近捕获的成年雄性后发现的。 Skagerrak(2007)。
