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Agricultural intensification is causing rapid habitat change in the Tonle Sap Floodplain, Cambodia
Wetlands Ecology and Management ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11273-020-09740-1
Simon P. Mahood , Colin M. Poole , James E. M. Watson , Richard A. MacKenzie , Sahadev Sharma , Stephen T. Garnett

The Tonle Sap Lake and Floodplain (TSLF) supports many globally threatened species and its fishery has sustained Cambodia’s people for millennia. The rate of habitat loss has accelerated in recent years due to political and economic conditions, and a warming climate and El Niño events that created opportunities for people to burn scrubland at an elevated rate. Here, we use a point-based landcover assessment method to document the impacts of local-scale drivers, in particular agricultural intensification, on habitat trends between 1993 and 2018. The areal extent of scrubland and grassland in the TSLF declined from ~ 74% in 1993 to ~ 52% in 2018, as a result of intensification and expansion of rice cultivation. During that time period, grassland cover declined from ~ 3160 to ~ 519 km2, whilst between 2008 and 2018, scrubland cover declined from ~ 8660 to ~ 6776 km2. Habitat loss has had catastrophic implications for grassland-dependant species, such as Bengal Florican, and, we estimate that habitat changes in the TSLF may have caused carbon stocks to decline by 12% while fish productivity is also likely to have dropped, with significant implications for food security. To put this habitat loss in context, losses over the past 10 years have been nearly twice as large as published predictions of the amount likely to be lost between 2010 and 2040 due to hydropower. We suggest that the expansion and intensification of rice cultivation is the greatest current threat to habitats in the TSLF and deserves greater attention from policy makers and practitioners.



洞里萨湖和洪泛区(TSLF)支持许多全球受威胁物种,其渔业使柬埔寨人民持续了数千年。近年来,由于政治和经济状况以及气候变暖和厄尔尼诺现象,人们栖息地的丧失速度加快了,这为人们提供了以较高的比例燃烧灌木丛的机会。在这里,我们使用基于点的土地覆盖率评估方法来记录1993年至2018年当地驱动因素(尤其是农业集约化)对栖息地趋势的影响。TSLF的灌丛和草地面积从74%下降至74%。由于稻米集约化和扩大化,1993年增至2018年的52%。在此期间,草地覆盖面积从〜3160降至〜519 km 2,而在2008年至2018年期间,灌木丛的覆盖范围从〜8660下降至〜6776 km 2。栖息地的丧失对依赖孟加拉的物种(例如孟加拉佛罗里达)造成了灾难性的影响,我们估计,TSLF的栖息地变化可能导致碳储量下降12%,而鱼类的生产力也可能下降,这将产生重大影响为了粮食安全。为了将栖息地的损失归为背景,过去10年的损失几乎是已发布的关于水力发电在2010年至2040年之间可能损失的预测的两倍。我们认为,水稻种植的扩大和集约化是目前对TSLF生境的最大威胁,值得政策制定者和从业者更多的关注。
