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Leaf Morphological Variation of Acanthus in Some Estuarine Areas of Cilacap
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/550/1/012007
W Herawati , P Widodo , Sukarsa , D Palupi

Acanthus is the only genus of family Acanthaceae which occupies mangroves habitat. Despite the importance of Acanthus, collection, characterization and improvement of its germplasm is limited. Hence, this will hinder its effective conservation and utilization. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify morphological variation of Acanthus in some estuarine areas of Cilacap Central java in relation to habitat. The method used in this study was survey with stratified sampling. The variables measured included, leaf shape, size, apex, base, margin, color and spine. The results of this study indicated that the different location affect some morphological characteristics. Most of the Acanthus population observed in this study have direction of stem axial spines facing upwards, green, inflorescences spika, petals large, light violet Similar to characters Acanthus ilicifolius has variations in leaf margin, leaf shape and size.



Acanthus是Acanthaceae家族中唯一占据红树林栖息地的属。尽管Acanthus很重要,但其种质的收集、表征和改进是有限的。因此,这将阻碍其有效保护和利用。因此,本研究的目的是确定Cilacap Central java 一些河口地区的老鼠与栖息地相关的形态变异。本研究采用分层抽样调查法。测量的变量包括叶子形状、大小、顶点、基部、边缘、颜色和脊椎。本研究结果表明,不同的位置会影响一些形态特征。大多数老鼠屎本研究观察到的群体,茎轴刺方向朝上,绿色,花序穗状花序,花瓣大,淡紫罗兰色
