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Comparative Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Decoupled Aquaponic Systems for Basil Production and Effect of Light Supplementation by LED
Agronomy ( IF 3.949 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10091414
Víctor M. Fernández-Cabanás , Luis Pérez-Urrestarazu , Alexes Juárez , Nathan T. Kaufman , Jackson A. Gross

Aquaponic facilities allow the joint production of fish and plants in a reduced space. This hydroponic technique, combined with vertical farming, is not well studied. The main objective of this work was to compare basil production between horizontal and vertical decoupled aquaponic systems and assess the utilization of supplemental lighting in a greenhouse environment. Six independent vertical racks were arranged with hydroponic trays at three heights. Three racks were affixed with LED lighting on the lowest levels and three with supplemental lighting on the intermediate level. Immediately adjacent to the vertical systems, two independent horizontal systems containing three trays were constructed to compare basil production. After 35 days of growth post transplanting, the total production per tray and weight, height, number of leaves, and nodes of 20 selected plants per tray were determined. Records of the intensity of illumination photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)) were recorded at dawn (8:00), noon (12:00), and dusk (18:00) at randomly predetermined positions associated with the 20 selected plants per tray. The total basil production in the experiment was 58.79 kg, with an average production per unit area of 2.43 and 0.94 kg m−2 for vertical and horizontal systems, respectively. Productivity per unit area in the vertical systems was 160% greater than in horizontal systems. A significant effect of lighting, the height of the tray, and plant position inside the tray was found on plant growth parameters. Optimization of light source distribution and tray orientation can enhance the productive performance in vertical aquaponic systems. Electricity cost associated with supplemental lighting per kg of production increment was 21.84 and 12.25 $ kg−1 for the bottom and intermediate levels of the vertical system, respectively, the latter being economically the most profitable.



水族设施可在较小的空间内联合生产鱼类和植物。这种水耕技术与垂直耕作相结合,尚未得到很好的研究。这项工作的主要目的是比较水平和垂直解耦的水培系统之间的罗勒产量,并评估温室环境中辅助照明的利用率。六个独立的垂直架子上分别放置了三个高度的水耕托盘。三个机架的最低层固定有LED照明,而三个中间的层固定有辅助照明。紧邻垂直系统的地方,构造了两个包含三个托盘的独立水平系统,以比较罗勒的产量。移植后生长35天后,每个托盘的总产量以及重量,高度,叶片数,确定每个托盘中有20个选定植物的节点。在与每个托盘选择的20种植物相关的随机预定位置的黎明(8:00),中午(12:00)和黄昏(18:00)记录了光照光合光子通量密度(PPFD)的强度记录。 。实验中罗勒的总产量为58.79千克,每单位面积的平均产量为2.43和0.94千克米-2分别用于垂直和水平系统。垂直系统的单位面积生产率比水平系统高160%。发现光照,托盘高度和托盘内植物位置对植物生长参数有显着影响。光源分布和托盘方向的优化可以提高垂直水培系统的生产性能。对于垂直系统的底部和中间水平,每千克生产增量与辅助照明相关的电费分别为21.84和12.25 $ kg -1,后者在经济上最赚钱。