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Association between serum and dietary antioxidant micronutrients and advanced liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an observational study
PeerJ ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9838
Juliana Moraes Coelho 1 , Katia Cansanção 2 , Renata de Mello Perez 3 , Nathalie Carvalho Leite 4 , Patrícia Padilha 2 , Andrea Ramalho 5 , Wilza Peres 2

Background Despite clinical trials with antioxidant supplementation, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the nutritional status of antioxidant vitamins and minerals, and none have reported on the status of these serum antioxidants associated with the dietary intake of antioxidants by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients. Objective To evaluate association between serum and dietetics antioxidants with liver fibrosis in patients with NAFLD. Methods Across-section analysis with out with 72 patients diagnosed with NAFLD. Hepatic fibrosis was measured by FibroScan®, and liver stiffness ≥7.9 kPa was considered to indicate advanced fibrosis. Retinol, alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, serum zinc, and selenium were evaluated, as was the dietary intake of these micronutrients in the previous 24 h (using 24-h dietary recall). The Mann–Whitney test was used to compare the fibrosis groups and, a linear regression analysis was performed to determine associated risk factors between age, sex, BMI, hepatic fibrosis, and serum antioxidants. Results A high proportion of inadequate serum retinol (20.8%), vitamin C (27%), and selenium (73.6%) was observed in the patients with NAFLD, in addition to a significant inadequacy of vitamin A (98.3%) and vitamin E (100%) intake. Patients with advanced liver fibrosis had reduced levels of serum retinol (P = 0.002), with liver fibrosis being the independent risk factor associated with serum retinol lower. Conclusion Hepatic fibrosis was associated with a reduction in serum retinol and was reduced in advanced fibrosis. NAFLD patients showed an important serum deficiency and insufficient dietary intake of the evaluated micronutrients.



背景 尽管进行了抗氧化剂补充剂的临床试验,但很少有研究评估抗氧化维生素和矿物质的营养状况,也没有报道这些血清抗氧化剂的状态与非酒精性脂肪肝患者膳食摄入抗氧化剂有关。 NAFLD) 患者。目的评估血清和饮食抗氧化剂与 NAFLD 患者肝纤维化的关系。方法对72例诊断为NAFLD的患者进行横断面分析。通过 FibroScan® 测量肝纤维化,肝硬度≥7.9 kPa 被认为是晚期纤维化。评估了视黄醇、α-生育酚、抗坏血酸、β-胡萝卜素、血清锌和硒,就像过去 24 小时内这些微量营养素的膳食摄入量一样(使用 24 小时膳食回忆)。Mann-Whitney 检验用于比较纤维化组,并进行线性回归分析以确定年龄、性别、BMI、肝纤维化和血清抗氧化剂之间的相关危险因素。结果 NAFLD 患者血清视黄醇 (20.8%)、维生素 C (27%) 和硒 (73.6%) 不足的比例很高,此外维生素 A (98.3%) 和维生素 E 显着不足(100%) 摄入量。晚期肝纤维化患者的血清视黄醇水平降低(P = 0.002),肝纤维化是与血清视黄醇降低相关的独立危险因素。结论肝纤维化与血清视黄醇的降低有关,并且在晚期纤维化中降低。