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Ghosting in safe relational spaces: Young Black men and the search for residence
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.280 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2020.101193
Kevin M. Roy , Jocelyn R. Smith Lee

Abstract Early adversity and trauma for youth of color may lead to disconnection but also to efforts to heal and to cope. Young Black men in particular can build safe relational spaces while struggling with real daily risks to their health and well-being. In this analysis of thirty life history interviews in two youth development programs, we examined how young Black men searched for safe residence and relational spaces during the transition to adulthood. We describe this process of ghosting, apparent in more than half of the participants, as a positive adaptation. Residential and relationship instability might encourage the need for ghosting and leave young Black men more vulnerable to stressors and trauma. However, it could also be a positive process, allowing youth safety and space to reflect on ways to build independence and renewed connection.



摘要 有色人种青年的早期逆境和创伤可能会导致脱节,但也会导致康复和应对的努力。特别是年轻的黑人男性可以建立安全的关系空间,同时与他们的健康和福祉面临的实际日常风险作斗争。在对两个青年发展计划中 30 次生活史访谈的分析中,我们研究了年轻的黑人男性在成年过渡期间如何寻找安全的住所和关系空间。我们将这种重影过程(在超过一半的参与者中很明显)描述为一种积极的适应。住宅和关系不稳定可能会鼓励重影的需要,并使年轻的黑人男性更容易受到压力源和创伤的影响。然而,这也可能是一个积极的过程,让青年人的安全和空间能够思考建立独立性和重新建立联系的方法。