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The effect of climate change on laying dates, clutch size and productivity of Eurasian Coots Fulica atra
International Journal of Biometeorology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s00484-020-01972-3
Lucyna Halupka 1 , Beata Czyż 2 , Carlos Moises Macias Dominguez 2

Climate change is affecting many living organisms; however, the responses of many of them remain unknown. In this paper, we present the results regarding the response of a bird species from the rallid family to the increased temperatures during the breeding season. We analysed the breeding data of Eurasian Coots nesting during 30 seasons between 1972 and 2019. During the study period, mean temperatures in April, the month when Coots start nesting, increased by 3.5 °C, and in months corresponding with the species breeding season by 2.6 °C. Breeding Coots advanced their earliest and median laying dates across the study period; however, the duration of their breeding season remained unchanged. We did not detect any significant temporal changes in clutch size, but clutches have become much more variable in size throughout the study period. Nest failures and production of offspring per nest did not change over the study period; however, the production of young per successful nest significantly declined. It is likely that this decline is the effect of mismatch between the period of food abundance (dipterans collected from water), and hatchling emergence, which is advanced due to change in climate. Future studies investigating the occurrence of dipteran resources at water bodies are needed to test this hypothesis.


气候变化对 Eurasian Coots Fulica atra 产蛋日期、离合器大小和生产力的影响

气候变化正在影响许多生物;然而,其中许多人的反应仍然未知。在这篇论文中,我们展示了关于 rallid 科鸟类对繁殖季节温度升高的反应的结果。我们分析了 1972 年至 2019 年间 30 个季节的欧亚白骨顶筑巢数据。在研究期间,白骨顶开始筑巢的月份 4 月的平均气温增加了 3.5°C,而在与物种繁殖季节相对应的月份中, 2.6°C。繁殖白骨顶在整个研究期间提前了它们的最早和中间产蛋日期;然而,它们的繁殖季节的持续时间保持不变。我们没有检测到离合器尺寸的任何显着时间变化,但在整个研究期间离合器的尺寸变化更大。在研究期间,巢失败和每个巢的后代产量没有变化;然而,每个成功巢穴的幼崽产量显着下降。这种下降很可能是食物丰富时期(从水中收集的双翅目)与因气候变化而提前的孵化期之间不匹配的结果。需要进一步研究水体中双翅目资源的发生情况,以检验这一假设。