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Wing Geometry and Genetic Analyses Reveal Contrasting Spatial Structures between Male and Female Aedes aegypti Populations in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines
bioRxiv - Zoology Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.16.299487
Thaddeus M. Carvajal , Divina M. Amalin , Kozo Watanabe

Background: Many important arboviral diseases (e.g. dengue, chikungunya) are transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. Hence, the population genetic structure of the mosquito has been studied in order to understand its role as an efficient vector. Several studies utilized an integrative approach; to combine genetic and phenotypic data to determine the population structure of Ae. aegypti but these studies have only focused on female populations. To address this particular gap, our study compared the population variability and structuring between male and female Ae. aegypti populations using phenotypic (wing geometry) and genetic (microsatellites) data from a highly-urbanized and dengue-endemic region of the Philippines, Metropolitan Manila. Methods: Five mosquito populations comprised of female (n = 137) and male (n = 49) adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were used in this study. All mosquito individuals underwent geometric morphometric (26 landmarks), and genetic (11 microsatellite loci) analyses. Results: Results revealed that FST estimates (genetic) were 0.055 and 0.009 while QST estimates (phenotypic) were 0.318 and 0.309 in in male and female populations, respectively. Wing shape variation plots showed that male populations were distinctly separated from each other while female populations overlapped. Similarly, discriminant analysis of principal components using genetic data revealed that male populations were also distinctly separated from each other while female populations showed near-overlapping populations. Genetic and phenetic dendrograms showed the formation of two groups in male populations but no groups in female populations. Further analysis indicated a significant correlation (r = 0.68, p = 0.02) between the genetic and phenetic distances of male populations. Bayesian analysis using genetic data also detected multiple clusters in male (K = 3) and female (K = 2) populations, while no clusters were detected using the phenotypic data from both sexes. Conclusions: Our results revealed contrasting phenotypic and genetic patterns between male and female Ae. aegypti, indicating that male populations were more spatially structured than female populations. Although genetic markers demonstrated higher sensitivity in detecting population structures than phenotypic markers, correlating patterns of population structure were still observed between the two markers.



背景:许多重要的虫媒病毒疾病(例如登革热,基孔肯雅热)是通过雌性蚊子埃及伊蚊的叮咬传播的。因此,已经研究了蚊子的种群遗传结构,以了解其作为有效载体的作用。一些研究采用了综合方法。结合遗传和表型数据来确定Ae的种群结构。埃及,但这些研究仅针对女性人群。为了解决这一特定差距,我们的研究比较了男性和女性Ae之间的种群变异性和结构。使用菲律宾城市化程度高,登革热流行地区马尼拉大都会的表型(机翼几何形状)和遗传(微卫星)数据收集埃及人种群。方法:五个蚊子种群由成年Ae的雌性(n = 137)和雄性(n = 49)组成。在这项研究中使用了埃及蚊。所有蚊子都进行了几何形态分析(26个地标)和遗传分析(11个微卫星基因座)。结果:结果显示,男性和女性人群的FST估计(遗传)分别为0.055和0.009,而QST估计(表型)分别为0.318和0.309。机翼形状变化图显示,男性种群彼此明显分开,而女性种群重叠。同样,使用遗传数据对主要成分进行判别分析后发现,男性群体也彼此明显分开,而女性群体则显示出几乎重叠的群体。遗传和物候树状图显示在男性人群中形成了两组,而在女性人群中则没有形成。进一步的分析表明,男性群体的遗传距离和物候距离之间存在显着的相关性(r = 0.68,p = 0.02)。使用遗传数据进行的贝叶斯分析还检测到男性(K = 3)和女性(K = 2)人群中的多个簇,而使用来自两性的表型数据未检测到簇。结论:我们的研究结果揭示了男性和女性Ae之间的表型和遗传模式存在差异。aegypti,表明男性种群比女性种群更具空间结构。尽管遗传标记物比表型标记物具有更高的检测种群结构的敏感性,