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Trends in the Magnitude and Frequency of Extreme Rainfall Regimes in Florida
Water ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.3390/w12092582
Tasnuva Mahjabin , Omar I. Abdul-Aziz

Trends in the extreme rainfall regimes were analyzed at 24 stations of Florida for four analysis periods: 1950–2010, 1960–2010, 1970–2010, and 1980–2010. A trend-free pre-whitening approach was utilized to correct data for autocorrelations. Non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and Theil-Sen approach were employed to detect and estimate trends in the magnitude of annual maximum rainfalls and in the number of annual above-threshold events (i.e., frequency). A bootstrap resampling approach was used to account for cross-correlations across sites and evaluate the global significance of trends at the 10% level (p-value ≤ 0.10). Dominant locally significant (p-value ≤ 0.10) increasing trends were found in the magnitudes of 1–12 h extreme rainfalls for the longest period, and in 6 h to 7 day rainfalls for the shortest period. The trends in 2–12 h rainfalls were also globally significant (i.e., exceeded the trends that could occur by chance). In contrast, globally significant decreasing trends were noted in the annual number of 1–3 h, 1–6 h, and 3–6 h extreme rainfalls during 1950–2010, 1960–2010, and 1980–2010, respectively. Trends in the number of 1–7 day extreme rainfalls were mixed, lacking global significance. Our findings would guide stormwater management in tropical/subtropical environments of Florida and around the world.



在佛罗里达州的 24 个站点对四个分析时期的极端降雨情况进行了分析:1950-2010、1960-2010、1970-2010 和 1980-2010。使用无趋势预白化方法来校正自相关数据。采用非参数 Mann-Kendall 检验和 Theil-Sen 方法来检测和估计年度最大降雨量和年度超阈值事件(即频率)数量的趋势。使用自举重采样方法来解释跨站点的互相关并评估趋势在 10% 水平(p 值 ≤ 0.10)的全球显着性。在最长时期的 1-12 小时极端降雨量和最短时期的 6 至 7 天降雨量中发现了显着的局部显着(p 值 ≤ 0.10)增加趋势。2-12 小时降雨的趋势也具有全球意义(即超过可能偶然发生的趋势)。相比之下,1950-2010 年、1960-2010 年和 1980-2010 年期间 1-3 小时、1-6 小时和 3-6 小时极端降雨的年均出现全球显着下降趋势。1-7 天极端降雨的数量趋势喜忧参半,缺乏全球意义。我们的研究结果将指导佛罗里达州和世界各地热带/亚热带环境中的雨水管理。缺乏全球意义。我们的研究结果将指导佛罗里达州和世界各地热带/亚热带环境中的雨水管理。缺乏全球意义。我们的研究结果将指导佛罗里达州和世界各地热带/亚热带环境中的雨水管理。