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Tracking the Insider Attacker: A Blockchain Traceability System for Insider Threats.
Sensors ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.3390/s20185297
Teng Hu 1, 2 , Bangzhou Xin 2, 3 , Xiaolei Liu 2 , Ting Chen 1 , Kangyi Ding 1 , Xiaosong Zhang 1

The insider threats have always been one of the most severe challenges to cybersecurity. It can lead to the destruction of the organisation’s internal network system and information leakage, which seriously threaten the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. To make matters worse, since the attacker has authorized access to the internal network, they can launch the attack from the inside and erase their attack trace, which makes it challenging to track and forensics. A blockchain traceability system for insider threats is proposed in this paper to mitigate the issue. First, this paper constructs an insider threat model of the internal network from a different perspective: insider attack forensics and prevent insider attacker from escaping. Then, we analyze why it is difficult to track attackers and obtain evidence when an insider threat has occurred. After that, the blockchain traceability system is designed in terms of data structure, transaction structure, block structure, consensus algorithm, data storage algorithm, and query algorithm, while using differential privacy to protect user privacy. We deployed this blockchain traceability system and conducted experiments, and the results show that it can achieve the goal of mitigating insider threats.


