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Parasitization of the sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari , by commercially available aphid parasitoids
BioControl ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10526-020-10051-w
Nathan H. Mercer , Ricardo T. Bessin , John J. Obrycki

Identification of natural enemies of novel pests is important for the development of effective integrated pest management. Commercially available parasitoids used for control of arthropod pests have potential for enhancing biological control of invasive pests. The sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a new pest on sweet sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, in the USA. Surveys of M. sacchari have not detected any parasitoids in central Kentucky. In North America, Aphelinus abdominalis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Aphidius colemani, and Aphidius matricariae are sold for aphid management. This study’s objective was to determine the host acceptance and suitability of M. sacchari for these parasitoid species. Host acceptance was assessed by counting attacks and oviposition strikes by parasitoids on M. sacchari. All parasitoid species accepted M. sacchari as a host in the parental generation (purchased adults) and the F1 generation (reared from M. sacchari). Host suitability was evaluated by transferring M. sacchari from host acceptance trials to caged sweet sorghum plants. Cages were monitored for aphid mummies and emerged adult parasitoids. Parental A. colemani produced the most mummies and adult parasitoids and reduced final M. sacchari numbers by 75%. A. ervi had a similar impact on M. sacchari populations but produced fewer mummies and adults. A. matricariae and A. abdominalis did not reduce M. sacchari populations. F1 parasitoids produced few adults and did not reduce M. sacchari populations. A. colemani demonstrated potential for field releases with the ability to use M. sacchari as a host and reduce aphid population growth.


甘蔗蚜虫Melanaphis sacchari的寄生虫被市售蚜虫寄生

确定新型有害生物的天敌对于发展有效的有害生物综合治理至关重要。用于防治节肢动物害虫的可商购的寄生物具有增强入侵害虫生物防治的潜力。甘蔗蚜虫Melanaphis sacchari(Hemiptera:Aphididae)是一种在美国甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)上的新害虫。的调查M.甘蔗还没有检测到在肯塔基中央任何寄生。在北美,腹线虫(膜翅目:Aphelinidae),蚜虫Avidius ervi(膜翅目:Braconidae),蚜虫Aphidius colemani蚜虫Aphidius matricariae出售用于蚜虫管理。这项研究的目的是确定的主机接受和适用性M.甘蔗这些寄生物种。宿主的接受程度是通过计数酵母上的寄生虫的攻击和排卵来评估的。在亲代(已购买的成年)和F1代(从M. sacchari繁殖)中,所有寄生虫物种都接受了M. sacchari作为宿主。通过将糖精分枝杆菌从寄主接受试验转移到笼养的甜高粱植物中来评估寄主的适宜性。监测笼中的蚜虫木乃伊和出现的成虫寄生虫。父母A. colemani生产最多的木乃伊和成年寄生虫,减少了最终糖精孢菌数量减少了75%。A. ervi对产生类似的影响M.甘蔗的人群,但产生较少的木乃伊和成人。A. matricariaeA.腹并没有减少M.甘蔗群体。F1的寄生虫很少产生成年,并没有减少糖酵母种群。A. colemani证明了利用M. sacchari作为宿主并减少蚜虫种群增长的能力在田间释放。
