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Analysis of Azimuthal Partition Periodic Disk-Loaded Coaxial Structure for Bifrequency MILO Using Equivalent Circuit Approach
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tps.2020.3017658
Arjun Kumar , Prabhakar Tripathi , Smrity Dwivedi , Pradip Kumar Jain

In this article, an equivalent circuit approach has been used to study the bifrequency generation by the azimuthally partitioned axially periodic metal disk-loaded coaxial structure. Considering the effect of all harmonics present within the structure and using an equivalent circuit approach, the expression of the equivalent series inductance per unit length and equivalent shunt capacitance per unit length has been obtained for this equivalent transmission line. In addition, with the help of computed equivalent series induction and equivalent shunt capacitance, expressions for the dispersion relation, phase velocity, and characteristic impedance have been obtained. The maximum possible frequency difference (i.e., bandwidth) between the modes (i.e., resonating frequency) and its region of operation have also been analytically computed. Finally, the parametric studies have been performed to find out the effect of structural parameter variation on dispersion behavior. In order to validate the numerical analysis, the structure has been first simulated with the help of CST microwave studio, and then, the analytically obtained results (such as dispersion behavior and phase velocity) have been compared with the results obtained from simulation. The comparison of results shows that the relative error is below than 5%, which shows a good agreement between them.


