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Design and Simulation of an S-Band Relativistic Inverted Magnetron
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tps.2020.3013542
Timothy P. Fleming

A high-power relativistic inverted magnetron oscillator (IMO) operating in the S-band is designed and numerically simulated using the massively parallel electromagnetic particle-in-cell code [improved concurrent electromagnetic particle-in-cell code (ICEPIC)]. This inverted magnetron is designed for optimum operation at ~2.5 GHz for magnetic fields ranging from 0.09 to 0.15 T and voltages extending from ~190 to 360 kV. Simulations in the above mentioned voltage/magnetic field range predict a device capable of operating in a single dominant $\pi $ mode with little to no mode competition, fast startup times, and high output power exceeding 500 MW in many cases sampled. This design eliminates a common source of energy loss in standard relativistic magnetrons and downstream end-loss current. The IMO also eliminates the need for extended waveguide structures and combiners common for magnetrons that require radial RF extraction. This is done by radiating RF energy axially through the use of a dual-ring radiator. The dual-ring radiator excites the TM01 mode in a single downstream waveguide that maybe then directed toward an antenna. The S-band IMO-simulated RF output power efficiencies are typically near 15% with RF output power ranging from 250 MW to ~1 GW at the highest voltages sampled. ICEPIC models show key segments of the design that may undergo excessive electromagnetic field stress during saturation. Such stress may ultimately lead to plasma formation and performance degradation; however, this may be mitigated via alternate materials, voltage derating, and further design refinement. In the simulation, the S-band IMO exhibits stable, robust, and reliable performance in the desired mode over a range of voltages and magnetic fields.



设计了一种在 S 波段工作的高功率相对论倒置磁控管振荡器 (IMO),并使用大规模并行电磁粒子内粒子代码 [改进的并发电磁粒子内粒子代码 (ICEPIC)] 进行数值模拟。这种倒置磁控管设计用于在 ~2.5 GHz 下优化运行,适用于 0.09 至 0.15 T 的磁场和~190 至 360 kV 的电压。上述电压/磁场范围内的模拟预测,设备能够在单一主导模式下运行,几乎没有模式竞争,启动时间快,并且在许多采样情况下输出功率超过 500 MW。这种设计消除了标准相对论磁控管和下游端部损耗电流中常见的能量损失源。IMO 还消除了对需要径向射频提取的磁控管常见的扩展波导结构和组合器的需求。这是通过使用双环辐射器轴向辐射射频能量来实现的。双环辐射器在单个下游波导中激发 TM01 模式,然后可以将其导向天线。S 波段 IMO 模拟的 RF 输出功率效率通常接近 15%,在最高采样电压下,RF 输出功率范围从 250 MW 到 ~1 GW。ICEPIC 模型显示了设计的关键部分,在饱和期间可能会承受过度的电磁场应力。这种应力最终可能导致等离子体形成和性能下降;然而,这可以通过替代材料、电压降额和进一步的设计改进来缓解。在模拟中,