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A Task Allocation Approach for Human-Robot Collaboration in Product Defects Inspection Scenarios
arXiv - CS - Robotics Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: arxiv-2009.06423
Hossein Karami, Kourosh Darvish, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni

The presence and coexistence of human operators and collaborative robots in shop-floor environments raises the need for assigning tasks to either operators or robots, or both. Depending on task characteristics, operator capabilities and the involved robot functionalities, it is of the utmost importance to design strategies allowing for the concurrent and/or sequential allocation of tasks related to object manipulation and assembly. In this paper, we extend the \textsc{FlexHRC} framework presented in \cite{darvish2018flexible} to allow a human operator to interact with multiple, heterogeneous robots at the same time in order to jointly carry out a given task. The extended \textsc{FlexHRC} framework leverages a concurrent and sequential task representation framework to allocate tasks to either operators or robots as part of a dynamic collaboration process. In particular, we focus on a use case related to the inspection of product defects, which involves a human operator, a dual-arm Baxter manipulator from Rethink Robotics and a Kuka youBot mobile manipulator.



车间环境中人工操作员和协作机器人的存在和共存增加了将任务分配给操作员或机器人或两者的需求。根据任务特征、操作员能力和所涉及的机器人功能,设计允许与对象操作和组装相关的任务的并发和/或顺序分配的策略至关重要。在本文中,我们扩展了 \cite{darvish2018flexible} 中提出的 \textsc{FlexHRC} 框架,以允许人类操作员同时与多个异构机器人交互,以共同执行给定的任务。扩展的 \textsc{FlexHRC} 框架利用并发和顺序任务表示框架将任务分配给操作员或机器人,作为动态协作过程的一部分。我们特别关注与产品缺陷检查相关的用例,其中涉及操作员、Rethink Robotics 的双臂 Baxter 机械手和 Kuka youBot 移动机械手。