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Sperm transport and endometrial inflammatory response in mares after artificial insemination with cryopreserved spermatozoa
Theriogenology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.09.021
Nicolas Cazales 1 , María José Estradé 2 , Florencia Pereyra 2 , Sandra Mara Fiala-Rechsteiner 3 , Rodrigo Costa Mattos 4

This study aimed to determine whether the insemination site and dose with cryopreserved sperm of reproductively normal mares affect the sperm population in uterine tubes and the intensity of endometrial inflammatory response. Experimental subjects were estrous mares inseminated, in the mid-uterine body (Body) or the tip of the uterine horn (Tip), ipsilateral to the dominant follicle, with one 0.5 mL straw with 50 × 106 sperm (50) or with eight straws with 50 × 106 sperm/straw (400). Mares were slaughtered 2 h, 4 h and 12 h after artificial insemination (AI) and randomly assigned to following groups: Body 50 (n = 19) (2 h, 4 h or 12 h); Tip 50 (n = 29) (2 h, 4 h, or 12 h); Body 400 (n = 24) (2 h, 4 h, or 12 h); Tip 400 (n = 21) (2 h, 4 h, or 12 h). A Control group (n = 16) was not inseminated. After slaughter, uterine tubes were separated from uterus, and uteri and tubes flushed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). After flushing, an endometrial sample was collected from ipsilateral and contralateral horns and mid-uterus body for further histopathological examination. A sample of each uterine tube flushing was examined for sperm count, and a sample of each uterine flushing was used for polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) count. Data were analyzed using PROC GLM from SASv9.4. Insemination time, site, sperm dose, and their interactions were considered independent variables and sperm and PMNs numbers dependent variables. Deep horn insemination increased ipsilateral uterine tube sperm number without an increase in the inflammatory reaction compared with the uterine body insemination. The higher the insemination dose, the higher the uterine tubes' sperm number and inflammatory reaction, with a quicker resolution. In conclusion, the insemination site and dose affected sperm in the uterine tubes, while post-insemination time and dose influenced the inflammatory reaction.



本研究旨在确定生殖正常母马冷冻保存精子的授精部位和剂量是否会影响输卵管中的精子数量和子宫内膜炎症反应的强度。实验对象是发情母马受精,在中段子宫体(Body)或子宫角尖端(Tip),与优势卵泡同侧,用一根 0.5 mL 吸管和 50 × 106 个精子 (50) 或用 8 根吸管50 × 106 精子/吸管 (400)。母马在人工授精 (AI) 后 2 小时、4 小时和 12 小时屠宰并随机分配到以下组: 50 头(n = 19)(2 小时、4 小时或 12 小时);Tip 50 (n = 29) (2 h, 4 h, or 12 h); 身体 400 (n = 24) (2 h、4 h 或 12 h);尖端 400 (n = 21) (2 小时、4 小时或 12 小时)。对照组 (n = 16) 未受精。宰杀后,将输卵管从子宫中分离出来,用磷酸盐缓冲盐水 (PBS) 冲洗子宫和输卵管。冲洗后,从同侧和对侧的角和子宫体中部采集子宫内膜样本,用于进一步的组织病理学检查。对每次子宫冲洗的样本进行精子计数检查,每次子宫冲洗的样本用于多形核中性粒细胞 (PMN) 计数。使用来自 SASv9.4 的 PROC GLM 分析数据。授精时间、地点、精子剂量及其相互作用被认为是自变量,精子和 PMN 数量是因变量。与子宫体授精相比,深角授精增加了同侧输卵管精子数量,而炎症反应没有增加。授精剂量越高,输精管越高 精子数量和炎症反应,更快的解决。总之,授精部位和剂量影响输卵管中的精子,而授精后时间和剂量影响炎症反应。