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Results of multi-agent system and ontology to manage ideas and represent knowledge in a challenge of creativity
arXiv - CS - Multiagent Systems Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: arxiv-2009.05282
Pedro Barrios, Davy Monticolo (ENSGSI), Sahbi Sidhom (KIWI)

This article is about an intelligent system to support ideas management as a result of a multi-agent system used in a distributed system with heterogeneous information as ideas and knowledge, after the results about an ontology to describe the meaning of these ideas. The intelligent system assists participants of the creativity workshop to manage their ideas and consequently proposing an ontology dedicated to ideas. During the creative workshop many creative activities and collaborative creative methods are used by roles immersed in this creativity workshop event where they share knowledge. The collaboration of these roles is physically distant, their interactions might be synchrony or asynchrony, and the information of the ideas are heterogeneous, so we can say that the process is distributed. Those ideas are writing in natural language by participants which have a role and the ideas are heterogeneous since some of them are described by schema, text or scenario of use. This paper presents first, our MAS and second our Ontology design.



本文是关于支持思想管理的智能系统,作为在分布式系统中使用的多代理系统的结果,以异构信息为思想和知识,在关于本体的结果之后描述这些思想的含义。智能系统帮助创意工作坊的参与者管理他们的想法,从而提出一个致力于想法的本体。在创意工作坊期间,沉浸在创意工作坊活动中的角色将使用许多创意活动和协作式创意方法,在那里他们分享知识。这些角色的协作在物理上是遥远的,他们的交互可能是同步的,也可能是异步的,想法的信息是异构的,所以可以说过程是分布式的。这些想法是由具有角色的参与者以自然语言编写的,并且这些想法是异类的,因为其中一些是通过模式、文本或使用场景来描述的。本文首先介绍我们的 MAS,然后介绍我们的本体设计。