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Recognising and valuing Māori innovation in the high-tech sector: a capacity approach
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-06 , DOI: 10.1080/03036758.2019.1668814
Katharina Ruckstuhl 1 , Jarrod Haar 2 , Maui Hudson 3 , Maria Amoamo 4 , Jordan Waiti 5 , Diane Ruwhiu 4 , Urs Daellenbach 6

ABSTRACT This paper explores what it takes to develop a common language and shared sense of purpose between Māori and the high-tech science sector. Robotics and automation, 3-D printing, sensors, and digital technologies are shaping New Zealand’s economy in fundamental ways. If, as envisioned under New Zealand’s Vision Mātauranga policy, Māori contribution to economic growth through distinctive Indigenous innovation is to be recognised and valued, then how this happens in these frontier science domains requires investigation. Findings are presented from the first phase of a longitudinal study of one National Science Challenge: Science for Technological Innovation (SfTI) – Kia Kotahi Mai, Te Ao Pūtaiao me te Ao Hangarau. Collecting a variety of data from science, business and Māori participants, the findings suggest that while there is enabling macro policy, organisational and science team human and relational capacities require recalibrating. The authors outline a model of how this can be done through a focus on mātauranga (knowledge), tikanga (practice) and kaupapa (focus areas) and how SfTI is reshaping its organisational practice to align to this model. The research also identifies the important role of the science intermediary as crucial to this alignment within teams.



摘要 本文探讨了如何在毛利人和高科技科学部门之间发展一种共同语言和共同的目标感。机器人和自动化、3D 打印、传感器和数字技术正在从根本上塑造新西兰的经济。如果按照新西兰的 Vision Mātauranga 政策设想,毛利人通过独特的土著创新对经济增长的贡献得到认可和重视,那么这在这些前沿科学领域是如何发生的,需要调查。研究结果来自一项国家科学挑战纵向研究的第一阶段:技术创新科学 (SfTI) – Kia Kotahi Mai、Te Ao Pūtaiao me te Ao Hangarau。从科学、商业和毛利参与者那里收集各种数据,调查结果表明,虽然有有利的宏观政策,但组织和科学团队的人力和关系能力需要重新校准。作者概述了如何通过关注 mātauranga(知识)、tikanga(实践)和 kaupapa(重点领域)来实现这一目标的模型,以及 SfTI 如何重塑其组织实践以与该模型保持一致。该研究还确定了科学中介的重要作用对于团队内部的这种一致性至关重要。