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Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus nsP3 Phosphorylation Can Be Mediated by IKKβ Kinase Activity and Abrogation of Phosphorylation Inhibits Negative-Strand Synthesis.
Viruses ( IF 5.818 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-13 , DOI: 10.3390/v12091021
Allison Bakovic 1 , Nishank Bhalla 1 , Stephanie Kortchak 1 , Chengqun Sun 2 , Weidong Zhou 3 , Aslaa Ahmed 1 , Kenneth Risner 1 , William B Klimstra 2 , Aarthi Narayanan 1

Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), a mosquito transmitted alphavirus of the Togaviridae family, can cause a highly inflammatory and encephalitic disease upon infection. Although a category B select agent, no FDA-approved vaccines or therapeutics against VEEV currently exist. We previously demonstrated NF-κB activation and macromolecular reorganization of the IKK complex upon VEEV infection in vitro, with IKKβ inhibition reducing viral replication. Mass spectrometry and confocal microscopy revealed an interaction between IKKβ and VEEV non-structural protein 3 (nsP3). Here, using western blotting, a cell-free kinase activity assay, and mass spectrometry, we demonstrate that IKKβ kinase activity can directly phosphorylate VEEV nsP3 at sites 204/5, 142, and 134/5. Alanine substitution mutations at sites 204/5, 142, or 134/5 reduced VEEV replication by >30-100,000-fold corresponding to a severe decrease in negative-strand synthesis. Serial passaging rescued viral replication and negative-strand synthesis, and sequencing of revertant viruses revealed reversion to the wild-type TC-83 phosphorylation capable amino acid sequences at nsP3 sites 204/5, 142, and 135. Generation of phosphomimetic mutants using aspartic acid substitutions at site 204/5 resulted in rescue of both viral replication and negative-strand RNA production, whereas phosphomimetic mutant 134/5 rescued viral replication but failed to restore negative-strand RNA levels, and phosphomimetic mutant 142 did not rescue VEEV replication. Together, these data demonstrate that IKKβ can phosphorylate VEEV nsP3 at sites 204/5, 142, and 134/5, and suggest that phosphorylation is essential for negative-strand RNA synthesis at site 204/5, but may be important for infectious particle production at site 134/5.


委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 nsP3 磷酸化可由 IKKβ 激酶活性介导,磷酸化的消除抑制负链合成。

委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 (VEEV),一种由蚊子传播的披膜病毒科甲病毒家族,感染后可引起高度炎症和脑炎疾病。尽管是 B 类选择剂,但目前不存在 FDA 批准的针对 VEEV 的疫苗或疗法。我们之前证明了体外 VEEV 感染后 IKK 复合物的 NF-κB 活化和大分子重组,IKKβ 抑制减少了病毒复制。质谱和共聚焦显微镜显示 IKKβ 和 VEEV 非结构蛋白 3 (nsP3) 之间存在相互作用。在这里,使用蛋白质印迹、无细胞激酶活性测定和质谱法,我们证明 IKKβ 激酶活性可以直接磷酸化 VEEV nsP3 位点 204/5、142 和 134/5。位点 204/5、142 或 134/5 处的丙氨酸替代突变使 VEEV 复制减少了 >30-100,000 倍,这与负链合成的严重减少相对应。连续传代挽救了病毒复制和负链合成,并且回复病毒的测序显示在 nsP3 位点 204/5、142 和 135 处恢复为野生型 TC-83 能够磷酸化的氨基酸序列。 使用天冬氨酸生成拟磷突变体位点 204/5 处的替换导致病毒复制和负链 RNA 产生的挽救,而拟磷突变体 134/5 挽救了病毒复制但未能恢复负链 RNA 水平,而拟磷突变体 142 没有挽救 VEEV 复制。总之,这些数据表明 IKKβ 可以在 204/5、142 和 134/5 位点磷酸化 VEEV nsP3,并表明磷酸化对于 204/5 位点的负链 RNA 合成是必不可少的,但可能对感染性颗粒的产生很重要在站点 134/5。