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An immune challenge of female great tits decreases offspring survival and has sex-specific effects on offspring body size
Acta Ethologica ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10211-020-00351-w
Justyna Kubacka , Mariusz Cichoń

Investment in immunity is expected to decrease (costly immunity) or enhance (terminal investment) reproductive performance. Here, we tested the effects of activation of the immune system in female great tits (Parus major) on (1) their reproductive effort and (2) the survival and body condition of their offspring, controlling for chick sex. We injected females tending 3-day-old chicks with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or saline (control) and recorded their provisioning rates 6 days later, during the expected peak of antibody production. We measured tarsus length and body mass in 11-day-old chicks and monitored changes in brood size. We found that female provisioning rates were unaffected by the SRBC challenge. An analysis without an outlier, however, showed a significant challenge-by-hatch date interaction. This interaction indicated that female provisioning rates decreased with hatch dates in the SRBC but not in the control nests, suggesting a stronger effect in later breeders. Chick body mass was not affected by female immunisation nor by its interaction with chick sex. However, we found a significant challenge-by-sex interaction on offspring tarsus. In SRBC nests, the difference in tarsus length between male and female chicks was lower than in controls, suggesting sex-dependent effects of the challenge on offspring structural growth. Finally, chick mortality was greater in SRBC nests compared with controls, but chick survival probability was not affected by sex. Overall, our results support the costly immunity but not the terminal investment hypothesis in the great tit.



