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Taxonomic Status of Three Nominal Species of Indo-Pacific Flatfishes (Bothidae) with Redescription of Japonolaeops gracilis New Combination
Journal of Ichthyology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s0032945220040219
E. P. Voronina , S. Raredon , J. Maclaine


The taxonomic status of three nominal species of Indo-Pacific bothid flatfishes, Laeops cypho Fowler, 1934, L. gracilis Fowler, 1934 and Japonolaeops dentatus Amaoka, 1969, is resolved. Japonolaeops gracilis (Fowler, 1934) is a new combination reflecting transfer of gracilis from Laeops to Japonolaeops. Japonolaeops gracilis, previously known only from the holotype, is redescribed based on 27 specimens, including the holotype. This species occurs between 48–440 m from the Saya de Malha Bank through Fiji, New Caledonia, the Philippines and Japan. Japonolaeops dentatus is a junior subjective synonym of J. gracilis. Laeops cypho, previously reported only from the holotype and paratype, is a junior subjective synonym of Neolaeops microphthalmus (von Bonde, 1922).


重命名了Japonolaeops gracilis新组合的三种印度洋-太平洋比目鱼(Bothidae)的分类学地位


的印度-太平洋三个标称种分类地位bothid比目鱼,Laeops cypho福勒,1934年,属藻福勒,1934年和Japonolaeops鲆Amaoka,1969年得到解决。Japonolaeops眼虫(福勒,1934)是一种新的组合反射的转印眼虫LaeopsJaponolaeopsJaponolaeops gracilis,以前仅从整型中获知,是根据包括整型在内的27个标本重新描述的。该物种从Saya de Malha银行穿过斐济,新喀里多尼亚,菲律宾和日本,出现在48-440 m之间。Japonolaeops dentatus是的初级主观同义词J. gracilis。以前仅从全型和副型中报道过的老挝古猿Laeops cypho)小眼新鸟Neeoeops的初级主观同义词(von Bonde,1922)