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Morphophysiological and biochemical attributes influence intra-genotypic preference of shoot fly [Atherigona soccata (Rondani)] among sorghum genotypes
Protoplasma ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00709-020-01554-5
Archana Kumari 1 , Meenakshi Goyal 2 , Ravinder Kumar 3 , R S Sohu 2

Shoot fly [ Atherigona soccata (Rondani)] is a destructive pest of sorghum at the seedling stage and causes huge losses to grain yield and green fodder. The host-plant resistance mechanism is the best approach to reduce the attack of insects in plants. The damage parameters, morphophysiological traits, and biochemical metabolites had been investigated in the leaves and stem of contrasting sorghum genotypes, viz., resistant (IS18551, ICSV705, ICSV700), moderately resistant (PSC-4), and susceptible (SWARNA and SL-44) at 15 and 21 days after emergence (DAE) against shoot fly infestation. The resistant genotypes recorded lowest shoot fly oviposition and incidence (0.3–0.7 eggs plant −1 and 10–15%) than the susceptible genotypes (2.4–3.0 eggs plant −1 and 70–80%), respectively. The susceptible genotype SWARNA recorded 50% and 80% higher deadheart formation than the resistant genotype IS18551 at 15 and 21 DAE, respectively. Resistant genotypes exhibited higher trichome density at adaxial and abaxial part of leaf (118–145 and 106–131) with pink colored leaf sheath (scale 1.50–3.25), glossy leaves (scale1.00–1.25), and lower leaf surface wetness (scale1.25–2.00) compared with susceptible genotype with 49.3–73.3 and 25.3–64.0, scale 2.50–4.00, scale 2.75–3.50, and scale 3.25–4.25 for the respective parameters. Another defense response of sorghum toward the insect attack was modulation of plant metabolism. The infested genotypes responded to insect attack by upregulation of total soluble sugar, total phenol, prussic acid, and chlorophyll content by 1.2–2.1-fold, 1.5–2.0-fold, 1.2–1.3-fold, and 1.2–3.9-fold with more induction in susceptible genotypes at 21 DAE. On the whole, the present study indicates that morphophysiological and biochemical attributes contribute toward the resistance mechanism in sorghum against shoot fly infestation.


形态生理学和生化属性影响高粱基因型中笋蝇 [Atherigona soccata (Rondani)] 的基因型内偏好

笋蝇[Atherigona soccata (Rondani)]是高粱苗期的一种破坏性害虫,对粮食产量和青饲料造成巨大损失。宿主-植物抗性机制是减少昆虫对植物侵袭的最佳途径。已经在对比高粱基因型的叶和茎中研究了损伤参数、形态生理学特征和生化代谢物,即抗性(IS18551、ICSV705、ICSV700)、中度抗性(PSC-4)和易感性(SWARNA 和 SL- 44) 在出苗后 15 天和 21 天 (DAE) 对抗枝蝇侵染。与易感基因型(2.4-3.0 卵植物 -1 和 70-80%)相比,抗性基因型分别记录了最低的枝蝇产卵和发生率(0.3-0.7 种卵植物 -1 和 10-15%)。在第 15 天和第 21 天,易感基因型 SWARNA 记录的死心形成率分别比抗性基因型 IS18551 高 50% 和 80%。抗性基因型在叶的正面和背面部分(118-145 和 106-131)表现出较高的毛状体密度,具有粉红色叶鞘(尺度 1.50-3.25)、有光泽的叶片(尺度 1.00-1.25)和较低的叶表面湿度( scale1.25–2.00) 与易感基因型相比,分别为 49.3–73.3 和 25.3–64.0、2.50–4.00、2.75–3.50 和 3.25–4.25 范围的相应参数。高粱对昆虫攻击的另一种防御反应是调节植物代谢。受感染的基因型通过将总可溶性糖、总酚、普鲁士酸和叶绿素含量上调 1.2-2.1 倍、1.5-2.0 倍、1.2-1.3 倍和 1.2-3 倍来响应昆虫攻击。9 倍,在 21 DAE 时对易感基因型的诱导更多。总的来说,本研究表明,形态生理学和生化属性有助于高粱对枝蝇侵染的抗性机制。