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Ricci flow of warped Berger metrics on $${\mathbb {R}}^{4}$$ R 4
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00526-020-01823-4
Francesco Di Giovanni

We study the Ricci flow on \({\mathbb {R}}^{4}\) starting at an SU(2)-cohomogeneity 1 metric \(g_{0}\) whose restriction to any hypersphere is a Berger metric. We prove that if \(g_{0}\) has no necks and is bounded by a cylinder, then the solution develops a global Type-II singularity and converges to the Bryant soliton when suitably dilated at the origin. This is the first example in dimension \(n > 3\) of a non-rotationally symmetric Type-II flow converging to a rotationally symmetric singularity model. Next, we show that if instead \(g_{0}\) has no necks, its curvature decays and the Hopf fibres are not collapsed, then the solution is immortal. Finally, we prove that if the flow is Type-I, then there exist minimal 3-spheres for times close to the maximal time.


$$ {\ mathbb {R}} ^ {4} $$ R 4上扭曲的Berger度量的Ricci流

我们研究从SU(2)-同质性1度量\(g_ {0} \)开始的\({\ mathbb {R}} ^ {4} \)上的Ricci流,其对任何超球面的限制都是Berger度量。我们证明,如果\(g_ {0} \)没有颈并且被圆柱包围,则该解决方案会产生整体II型奇点,并且在原点进行适当扩张时会收敛到科比孤子。这是收敛到旋转对称奇异模型的非旋转对称II型流的尺寸\(n> 3 \)的第一个示例。接下来,我们将显示\(g_ {0} \)没有脖子,它的曲率衰减并且霍普夫纤维不塌陷,那么这个解决方案是不朽的。最后,我们证明如果流是类型I,那么在接近最大时间的时间内存在最小的3个球。
