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Drainage of transudative pleural effusion: how does it affect weaning from mechanical ventilation?
The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1186/s43168-020-00028-9
Heba Said Gharraf , Alaa El Din AbdAllah

Pleural collections of the transudative type occur frequently in patients who need mechanical ventilation (MV). Treatment of the etiology of the effusion takes a prolonged duration of time. The study intended to assess the effect of transudative effusion drainage through chest tube on the process of weaning from MV. No statistically significant difference was found between the two studied groups regarding age, sex, and comorbidities. Total duration of MV was significantly shorter in patients of group I compared with patients of group II (P = 0.002). Successful weaning from MV within 2 days after the start of the study was statistically significantly more achieved in patients of group I (56.7%) compared with patients of group II (23.3%) (P = 0.017). One and 3 days after beginning of the study, patients in group I showed a significant improvement in oxygenation as demonstrated by a statistically significantly higher value of PaO2/FiO2 ratio compared with patients of group II (P = 0.003 and 0.008, respectively). More work is needed to determine the physiological benefits of transudate pleural effusion drainage and the effect of the specific procedure on the clinical parameters. Further studies are needed to study different modalities or tools of drainage of transudate effusion and the effect of each on the different clinical outcomes in comparison with each other to reach the optimum way of drainage of transudate effusion with the best results and least complications.



需要机械通气(MV)的患者经常发生渗出性胸膜积液。积液的病因学治疗需要较长的时间。该研究旨在评估通过胸管的渗出性积液对MV断奶过程的影响。两组在年龄,性别和合并症方面均无统计学差异。与第二组患者相比,第一组患者的MV总持续时间明显缩短(P = 0.002)。在研究开始后的2天内,与第二组的患者(23.3%)相比,第一组的患者(56.7%)从MV成功断奶的统计学意义显着更高(P = 0.017)。研究开始后的一三天,与第二组患者相比,PaO2 / FiO2比值在统计学上显着更高(P分别为P = 0.003和0.008),从而证明了I组患者的氧合显着改善。需要更多的工作来确定渗出性胸腔积液引流的生理益处以及特定程序对临床参数的影响。需要进行进一步的研究以研究渗出液的不同引流方式或工具,以及将两者相互比较对不同临床结果的影响,以取得渗出液引流的最佳方法,从而获得最佳结果和最少并发症。需要更多的工作来确定渗出性胸腔积液引流的生理益处以及特定程序对临床参数的影响。需要进行进一步的研究以研究渗出液的不同引流方式或工具,以及将两者相互比较对不同临床结果的影响,以取得渗出液引流的最佳方法,从而获得最佳结果和最少并发症。需要更多的工作来确定渗出性胸腔积液引流的生理益处以及特定程序对临床参数的影响。需要进行进一步的研究以研究渗出液的不同引流方式或工具,以及将两者相互比较对不同临床结果的影响,以取得渗出液引流的最佳方法,从而获得最佳结果和最少并发症。