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Determining the Effect of Postharvest Cold Storage Treatment on the Survival of Immature Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Small Fruits
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toaa185
Laura J Kraft 1 , D Adeline Yeh 2 , Miguel I Gómez 2 , Hannah J Burrack 1

Abstract We evaluated the effect of postharvest cold storage temperature (0.0–2.2°C) and duration (3–5 d) on pupal emergence of single life stage populations of laboratory-generated Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) and mixed-age populations collected in the field from blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. For field-infested fruit, cold storage at any temperature and duration resulted in less pupal emergence compared with the control held at 20°C, but D. suzukii subjected to higher temperatures and shorter storage durations in caneberries had higher survival. When a single life stage of D. suzukii was exposed to cold storage, pupal emergence was significantly reduced across all fruit types held at 0°C and for most life stages and fruit types held at 1.5 and 2.2°C, dependent on the substrate. Freshly laid eggs exposed to cold storage produced the lowest pupal emergence. Our results suggest using cold storage treatment is an effective postharvest management strategy for small-fruit growers to use on-farm as part of an integrated program to manage D. suzukii infestation. An economic assessment was made to examine the profit implications of an investment in cold storage units to counter pest pressure. Results suggest that investment in a cold storage unit would breakeven in about 4 yr. On farms that already have cold storage installed, we estimated a $0.11/kg decrease in blueberry market price for holding fruit for 3 d. Together, this cost assessment will provide growers with the knowledge to make decisions based on infestation risk and the seasonal sale price of blueberries.



摘要 我们评估了采后冷藏温度 (0.0–2.2°C) 和持续时间 (3–5 d) 对实验室产生的铃木果蝇 (Matsumura) 和混合年龄种群单生命阶段种群蛹出现的影响。领域从黑莓、蓝莓、草莓和覆盆子。对于田间侵染的果实,与保持在 20°C 的对照相比,任何温度和持续时间的冷藏导致的蛹羽化较少,但在甘蔗中经受较高温度和较短储存时间的 D. suzukii 存活率更高。当 D. suzukii 的单个生命阶段暴露于冷藏时,所有保持在 0°C 的果实类型以及大多数生命阶段和保持在 1.5 和 2.2°C 的果实类型的蛹出现都显着减少,这取决于基质。暴露在冷藏条件下的新鲜产卵产生的蛹羽化率最低。我们的结果表明,对于小型水果种植者来说,使用冷藏处理是一种有效的收获后管理策略,可以将农场用作管理铃木果蝇侵染综合计划的一部分。进行了经济评估,以检查投资冷库以应对虫害压力的利润影响。结果表明,冷库单元的投资将在大约 4 年内实现收支平衡。在已经安装了冷库的农场,我们估计将水果保存 3 天的蓝莓市场价格下降 0.11 美元/公斤。总之,这种成本评估将为种植者提供知识,以便根据蓝莓的侵染风险和季节性销售价格做出决策。我们的结果表明,对于小型水果种植者来说,使用冷藏处理是一种有效的收获后管理策略,可以将农场用作管理铃木果蝇侵染综合计划的一部分。进行了经济评估,以检查投资冷库以应对虫害压力的利润影响。结果表明,冷库单元的投资将在大约 4 年内实现收支平衡。在已经安装了冷库的农场,我们估计将水果保存 3 天的蓝莓市场价格下降 0.11 美元/公斤。总之,这种成本评估将为种植者提供知识,以便根据蓝莓的侵染风险和季节性销售价格做出决策。我们的结果表明,对于小型水果种植者来说,使用冷藏处理是一种有效的收获后管理策略,可以将农场用作管理铃木果蝇侵染综合计划的一部分。进行了经济评估,以检查投资冷库以应对虫害压力的利润影响。结果表明,冷库单元的投资将在大约 4 年内实现收支平衡。在已经安装了冷库的农场,我们估计将水果保存 3 天的蓝莓市场价格下降 0.11 美元/公斤。总之,这种成本评估将为种植者提供知识,以便根据蓝莓的侵染风险和季节性销售价格做出决策。