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Climate and sea level variability on a centennial time scale over the last 1500 years as inferred from the Coastal Peatland of Puck Lagoon (southern Baltic Sea)
The Holocene ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1177/0959683620950451
Szymon Uścinowicz 1 , Małgorzata Witak 2 , Grażyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz 1 , Dorota Burska 2 , Witold Cieślikiewicz 2 , Wojciech Jegliński 1 , Leszek Jurys 1 , Paweł Sydor 3 , Jacek Pawlyta 4 , Natalia Piotrowska 4

The climate variability and related sea-level changes during the Holocene are still under discussion, especially in a regional context. Very little information comes from the southern and south-eastern Baltic coast. The aim of the paper is to gain insight on the history of regional environmental changes, particularly sea-level and storminess, and their driving forces. The investigations were located on a peatland on the coast of Puck Lagoon (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea). The analysis of peat core comprised: radiocarbon dating, analysis of stable isotopes 18O and 13C and chemical components, as well as palynological and diatomic studies. Results showed the 1.0 m peat section accumulated over 1500 years, with a time resolution of 100 years per sample. The average water level in the Puck Lagoon rose by ca. 0.85 m during the last 1500 years in a cyclic mode, with a period cycle of ca. 600–550 years and an amplitude not exceeding 0.5 m. The accelerated sea level rise and frequent storminess occurred during the first half of the Dark Ages (1500−1300 years b2k) and LIA (750−450 years b2k) and since the beginning of the 20th century. Recognized environmental changes are well correlated with both temperature changes in the North Atlantic and changes in total solar irradiance, suggesting synchronous Northern Hemisphere-wide fluctuations. The solar forcing was an important constituent of natural climate variability in the past and of forcing climate warming during modern times - after the Little Ice Age.


从帕克泻湖(波罗的海南部)沿海泥炭地推断的过去 1500 年百年时间尺度上的气候和海平面变化

全新世期间的气候变异和相关的海平面变化仍在讨论中,尤其是在区域范围内。来自波罗的海南部和东南部海岸的信息很少。本文的目的是深入了解区域环境变化的历史,尤其是海平面和风暴,及其驱动力。调查位于帕克泻湖(格但斯克湾,波罗的海南部)海岸的泥炭地。泥炭核心分析包括:放射性碳测年、稳定同位素 18O 和 13C 和化学成分分析,以及孢粉学和双原子研究。结果显示,1.0 m 泥炭剖面累积超过 1500 年,每个样本的时间分辨率为 100 年。帕克泻湖的平均水位上升了大约 0. 在过去的 1500 年中以循环模式为 85 m,周期为约。600-550 年,振幅不超过 0.5 m。海平面加速上升和暴风雨频繁发生在黑暗时代的前半期(1500-1300 年 b2k)和 LIA(750-450 年 b2k)和 20 世纪初。公认的环境变化与北大西洋的温度变化和总太阳辐照度的变化密切相关,表明北半球范围内的同步波动。太阳强迫是过去自然气候变率的重要组成部分,也是导致现代(小冰河时代之后)气候变暖的重要组成部分。海平面加速上升和暴风雨频繁发生在黑暗时代的前半期(1500-1300 年 b2k)和 LIA(750-450 年 b2k)和 20 世纪初。公认的环境变化与北大西洋的温度变化和总太阳辐照度的变化密切相关,表明北半球范围内的同步波动。太阳强迫是过去自然气候变率的重要组成部分,也是导致现代(小冰河时代之后)气候变暖的重要组成部分。海平面加速上升和暴风雨频繁发生在黑暗时代的前半期(1500-1300 年 b2k)和 LIA(750-450 年 b2k)和 20 世纪初。公认的环境变化与北大西洋的温度变化和总太阳辐照度的变化密切相关,表明北半球范围内的同步波动。太阳强迫是过去自然气候变率的重要组成部分,也是导致现代(小冰河时代之后)气候变暖的重要组成部分。表明同步的北半球范围内的波动。太阳强迫是过去自然气候变率的重要组成部分,也是导致现代(小冰河时代之后)气候变暖的重要组成部分。表明同步的北半球范围内的波动。太阳强迫是过去自然气候变率的重要组成部分,也是导致现代(小冰河时代之后)气候变暖的重要组成部分。